Kilt Loving Nudists
Nudists who enjoys wearing a Kilt. Nudists who admire kilt wearers.
Return to DiscussionsI was in a big crowded lift at London Heath Row airport in my kilt. I heard two men debating if I was wearing underpants. Then one asked my to lift it and show them. I did so, proving there was nothing under the kilt - only me. Then I noticed two ladies watching as well.
- 5 years ago
when I wear the kilt and a man asks me what is under the kilt, I say t him, " You can feel mine , if I can feel yours ". This usually makes them laugh and eases the situation. However, there have been a couple of times when it happened and we both groped each other.
- 5 years ago
No. I much prefer to show them. I've done it in pubs/bars, on a plane and in many airports. It is usually at a lady's request. One time I lifted it for a female security guard to check I had no hidden weapons when boarding an aircraft.
- 5 years ago
I, as many others have had someone come up behind me and lift my kilt from behind. I simply stand there and look at them. When they look at me shocked, my response is simple, "What did you expect to see?"
- 5 years ago
Over the years I have had it all.
Once when at friends wedding one lady slightly drunk laid down on the floor and asked me to stand over her so she could check so I did. 20 years later she and husband are friends with us. She wont ask again but remarks she knows.
Another time at a Grosvenor House event in London for a rather prestigious do a top table guests German wife asked if she could verify if it were true, she followed me to the the gents and in cubicle we both did a show and tell, nothing more. She was equally as commando and freshly shaved as I was.
- 5 years ago