Kilt Loving Nudists
Nudists who enjoys wearing a Kilt. Nudists who admire kilt wearers.
What do you say?
Return to DiscussionsI am sure all kilt wearers get asked, "what do you have under that kilt." What do you say? Have any of you asked them to feel under to check? Have any of you just lifted up the kilt and showed them?
- 11 years ago
I say i'm traditional, or I might show them, or I might let them reach under and find out for their self. It depends on who asked.
- 4 years ago
Depends on who is asking. Sometimes I ask what they are wearing underneath,
Next time a woman in a skirt asks, I'm gonna ask her back. I just don't get why it's deemed acceptable to ask the question, when you'd never ask a woman what's under her skirt.
Not that I mind :)
- 4 years ago
i wore my kilt out in spain during a holiday, I got several people asking me what I was wearing underneath. I simply lifted the front and showed them
- 3 years ago
I'm going off on a tangent.Next time a woman in a skirt asks, I'm gonna ask her back. I just don't get why it's deemed acceptable to ask the question, when you'd never ask a woman what's under her skirt. Not that I mind :)
I really hate double-standards. If it's ok for a woman to ask a man what he's wearing under his outer clothing, the it is also ok to ask a woman the same question.
This site is the very definition of double-standard. Images of women are allowed to remain on the site that would be taken down in a heart beat if they were images of men.
- 3 years ago
Next time a woman in a skirt asks, I'm gonna ask her back. I just don't get why it's deemed acceptable to ask the question, when you'd never ask a woman what's under her skirt.Not that I mind :)
Maybe because it is traditional for a man to be naked under his kilt.
But I have sometimes replied by asking a woman what was under her skirt or dress. And I have been rewarded with a view of a naked pussy.
- 3 years ago
Equal opportunity, Good enough for the Goose, good enough for the Gander . I was asked at the Pub, .what/s under my Kilt , at the bar, by a older women I know, Before I knew it, she had a good grip of my cock and balls and feeling for all my piercings, as her hubby watched on, having a beer with me. It was nice and casual, and I stayed still ,after opening up my leg space, room for her hand, till such time as she was fully happy, smiling at me, feeling everything and answering her own question. My wife shrugged her shoulders, knew darn well, it was going to happen, wearing my Scottish/Irish working Kilt , with ( bling ) chains. See what happens, when everyone just chills out, life is good, and everyone is happy
- 3 years ago
It's a kilt. If I wore anything underneath, it would be a skirt!
- 3 years ago
it depends who asks, my mother asked me at a wedding and i just said shoes and socks. Generally if someone asks I just lift it and show them, depending on the context I either lift the side so they can tell I'm commando but don't get flashed (usually work colleagues) or I lift the front and show everything.
- 2 years ago
I just show them - a full flash
- 2 years ago