LA Nude Runners
So calif runners who want to get together for nude runs in USFS or other remote locations. Maybe monthly.
OD Nude 5K
Return to DiscussionsThat time of year for OD's Nude 5k run here in so calif... I will be there again... who else?? April 17th i think...
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- 14 years ago
Bare Burro Nude 5K
It's definitely April 17 at Olive Dell Ranch. Register at their website or
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- 14 years ago
RE: Bare Burro Nude 5K
How was the run this year?
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- 14 years ago
RE: Bare Burro Nude 5K
The Bare Burro 5k is on April 22 this year! Be sure to sign up by April 1 to save $5 on the entry fee and guarantee a t-shirt.
Here's the link to the race:
I ran it last year and had a blast!
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- 13 years ago
RE: Bare Burro Nude 5K
My partner and I just signed up. He'll run it. I'll run/walk it. I'm not a very good runner. Should be fun.
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- 13 years ago
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