Laguna Del Sol

The previous group has disappeared along with its creator. Laguna del Sol is one of the premier clothing-optional resorts in the United States. Located on 250 acres near Sacramento, it's close to the city and yet a world away. Everyone's idea of the perfect, relaxing getaway is different. Laguna del Sol aims to provide a full range of active and leisure activities to be enjoyed with the...

Naked Man weekend

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Its that time of year again..Naked Man at Laguna Del Sol! Ive made it there for day trips a couple of times in prior years and although the place is packed its a lot of fun. Its always encouraging when it is so packed and many times it busier than prior years. It shows nudism is definitely dying as some say. Anyway if my back lets me and Im able to walk decently it looks like my wife and I will be there Saturday! Usually i/we are there many times each year but life and my back have gotten in the way this year so we havent made it yet this year. Hopefully well make it. I know my back will make it so I wont be able to walk a lot and enjoy Naked Man as much but I really miss being able to go and miss seeing the friends Ive made there.

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  • 6 years ago
RE:Naked Man weekend

My wife and I had a great day at Laguna Del Sol today. It was packed because of Naked Man with every camping site taken and lots of us day use people there as well. Despite it being much more crowded than when we usually visit, we had a great time playing volleyball in the volleyball pool visiting with friends weve made there and checking out some of the Naked Man fun. Ive been down with really bad back problems for the last several months so have not been able to visit as I usually do but finally made it today with my wifes help. I still had problems doing any significant walking thus not getting a chance to enjoy a lot of the Nsked Man fun. Despite that it was great. I did not realize how badly I needed to get out and enjoy a Naked day at one of my favorite places.

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  • 6 years ago
RE:Naked Man weekend

Does the LdS management have another Naked Man weekend planned for summer 2021? I need something to look forward to over the long chilly winter.

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  • 4 years ago
RE:Naked Man weekend

As I recall I saw something about it being tentatively planned for 2021 in one of their recent emails. You can signup for their email list on the web site. They only send about once every two weeks or so.

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  • 4 years ago
RE:Naked Man weekend

Does LDS still require face/smile masks, when not eating&drinking, to protect everyone against the surge of the deadly mutant delta variant that's killing folk regardless of #vacciNation status? Dr Fauci says masks should still be warn at all times.

Sunday 1 August 2021 ABC News Report:
During an investigation of the outbreak, researchers learned that the amount of virus in the noses of vaccinated people experiencing a breakthrough infection was the same as in an unvaccinated person -- a concerning sign that vaccinated people can also spread the virus... The data helped the CDC make its decision to bring mask guidelines back for vaccinated individuals in areas of high or substantial spread of the virus.

This post was edited 4 years ago
  • 4 years ago
RE:Naked Man weekend

You'd have to ask the management there about their policy. It's really the county's call.

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  • 4 years ago
RE:Naked Man weekend

They were not required the last few times Ive been there but the Delta variant hadnt taken hold like it has now. So policy may have changed, as suggested call them or at least check their web site which they have kept updated

ABC and other media have been chastised for the way theyve reported want you put in your post. Its not inaccurate, it just is out of context by omitting the fact that breakthrough cases are very rare. That omission caused anti-vaxers to claim the vaccines didnt work and were useless. But to your point breakthrough cases do happen and I myself am somewhat hunkering down and masking up again even though Im vaccinated.

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  • 4 years ago

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