Lethbridge Alberta Naturists

A group for naturists in the Lethbridge Alberta area. A place to set up friendships and find fellow naturists in the area. Post potential events or activities you would like to start, host, find out about or know about of the naturist variety or anything that you feel your fellow naturist should know about.

Ideas for events

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I am posting this mostly to let people know this group is not dead, but also to encourage ideas for events we could do in the Lethbridge/ Southern Alberta area. Things like places to hike, swim, anyone into D&D or some other games nigh tor just hanging out nude once this pandemic thing is over and such social gatherings are safe. Post them here and invite your friends to give friendly naturism a try.

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RE:Ideas for events

It will be good when the pandemic is over but in the meantime we can try and find ways to interact. I have been able to spend a fair bit of nude time with a friend and was recently at a nude dinner. Its hard to wait after this summer because its only that long ago that I even took part in a social nude event. I spent a lot of time this summer at the Weaselhead nude beach and once to a second nude beach in Fish Creek, the Hidden Beach site. Its good to see someone close who misses naked time as much as I do.

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