Liberals, Lefties And Assorted Drop

A group for those who try to "live and let live". For those who have an alternative lifestyle and for those who don't. For those who "swing" and for those who don't. For those who don't get annoyed with people who are different, or try to convert them to conservatism. For those who don't care what religion or color you are, or who you voted for. Where size, age...

North Carolina and Mississipi

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Hello I'm fairly new to the group and I see there hasn't been any activity on here for quite some time,although I'm not a Citizen of the of the United States , I have been reading in " The Guardian "Newspaper about the laws that have been passed in North Carolina and Mississippi regarding theLGBT community , First North Carolina saying that Transgender citizens must use the bathroom of the sex they were born ( I'm sure we can all see the flaws in that law already ( and the fact thatboth States have said that people should be allowed their " Christian rights " to discriminateagainst LGBT people , I always thought Christanity was about loving your fellow Man and being tolerant, but as I'm not a Christian maybe I've got that wring , I was wondering if anyione knows of any campaignthat people from other parts of the world can take part in to let the elected representatives of these states that we think their law is , outdated, bigoted and has no place in the 21st century , would love to hear more fromother members of this group especially people in the US and those States in particular

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  • 9 years ago
RE:Group Activity

Are there actually any members who are active in this group , I would have thought with
Brexit and the Election of Donald Trump that at least members from the US and the UK
would have had something to say

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  • 8 years ago
RE:North Carolina and Mississipi

I've always wondered who would enforce the bathroom laws and how they'd enforce them. A team of genital inspectors? Would everybody be required to drop their pants or dress before entering the bathroom? Would photos be taken to check against Birth Certificates or Drivers Licenses? If this law was to be enforced at any airport, a large number of people would not have their Birth Certificate available. How would the genital inspectors handle this? Last but not least, a lot of times when I have to use the bathroom, I HAVE TO USE THE BATHROOM. I can only imagine what would probably happen to the genital inspectors.

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  • 5 years ago