Liverpool Nudist Meetup
Group of Liverpool people looking to meet other nudist for naked hangouts
Morning coffee in Wallasey
Return to DiscussionsAt least 2 of us plan to meet at my home in Wallasey for naked morning coffee on Thursday 10 Aug. Anyone else who is available would be welcome to join us. Colin
- 2 years ago
Colin, while Wednesday is going to be better in the future, I'll try and make it.
- 2 years ago
I am looking forward to welcoming several TN members for a naked coffee morning today. It looks as if there will be 5 or 6 of us. Feel free to arrive any time from 10 am onwards. Colin
- 2 years ago
Hope you have a great cuppa! :)
- 2 years ago
Only just seen this, would have loved to join you all
- 2 years ago
Wish I still lived in Liverpool!
- 2 years ago
There will be other similar meets. I also host gatherings for social nudity on some Saturday evenings. All events in my home will be announced on the Liverpool Nudist Meetup group: so if you check it regularly, you will find out about future events. You will be welcome to any events which occur at a time when you are available. Colin
- 2 years ago