Locker Room Nudists
People that go totally naked in the locker room without the need to hide themselves with a towel.
Locker Room Gang Showers
Return to DiscussionsMy health club has gang showers for 12 guys. I have a problem when I wash my genitals I get an erection; even at home.Well, it happened at the club. I had nothing with which to cover itso I faced the shower wall. The guy next to me did a side glance and got his eye full. He was the next erection. Before I knew it about five or six were sporting one. The interesting part is that none of them were embarrassed or tried to hide them. That was unbelievable to me. I guess the were exhibitionists or the sight oferections was exciting to them.Anybody had the same experience or can offer an explanation?
- 12 years ago
There are 2 YMCAs in my area. Both have open showers and separate sauna/steam rooms. Both are nude-friendly, but the one I go to more often is a lot friendlier. Guys chat in the sauna and steam rooms, even with people they don't know. The other place, no one talks to each other.
- 2 years ago
There are 2 YMCAs in my area. Both have open showers and separate sauna/steam rooms. Both are nude-friendly, but the one I go to more often is a lot friendlier. Guys chat in the sauna and steam rooms, even with people they don't know. The other place, no one talks to each other.
Can you be fully nude and just sit on a towel in the sauna and steam room?
- 2 years ago
I have found nudity infectious too. I used to go swimming 3 or 4 times a week. Swimming always aroused me: usually I had to go to the toilets or showers to relieve myself. I would make my way into the men's room, still naked, foreskin retracted. Usually there would be other men covering themselves with towels. On seeing me they would begin to peel them off. Most of them would pull their foreskins back. We would congregate to compare and usually relieved each other. I live in a racially mixed area and found it fascinating - even better when there were ladies present. (Ladies are allowed in the men's room where I live). Often some of them would thank me for getting it all started.
- 2 years ago
I stay nude in the locker room for as long as I can. I pick a locker that is at the far end so I can take a slow walk to the showers and sometimes will stop and chat another guy while nude.
- 2 years ago
I've used gang showers a lot over the years in different circumstances. In my uni sports days there would be 20 odd of us in there at one time, sometimes you would see the odd semi or fleeting hard on, sometimes it was me, it just happened and no one made a thing of it. I never saw the chain reaction effect others have mentioned.
Since then it's mainly been pool showers, usually smaller shower rooms and less busy, often I'd only be sharing the shower with another 2 to 4 guys tops. Still see the odd semi and less frequently a hard on. It used to happen to me sometimes and I'd just ignore it, never used to last long. Reading this thread has made me realise that I actually can't remember the last time I got a random shower boner, I guess that's a plus of getting older, one less thing to worry about lol
- 2 years ago
Having been a member at several gyms over the years (but sadly not lately) I always loved a gang shower. Or ones where, even if individual stalls, there were curtains that most guys would leave open. Boners would happen and sometimes lead to more. If someone wants to watch, who am I to say no? Locker rooms are where I've always felt comfortable naked except for maybe the early days of 7th grade when we were forced to gang shower but I was a late developer. I even remember our junior high locker room had a large picture window between the teacher's office and the shower area.
- 2 years ago
Lol I can see that. My dad was stationed at Ft. Sam in 70 to 72. I was stationed at Ft. Lewis and South Korea. I remember one exercise where the showers were limited and we doubled up under the shower. I am going to ask my dad if he did something similar.
- a year ago
Lol I can see that. My dad was stationed at Ft. Sam in 70 to 72. I was stationed at Ft. Lewis and South Korea. I remember one exercise where the showers were limited and we doubled up under the shower. I am going to ask my dad if he did something similar.
- a year ago
When I got an erection in the public showers I just act like it was limp and ignore it. Most men will ignore it. Now if the man is hung like a horse then men will make crude yet funny comments.
- a year ago
Valley Fitness in Fresno, CA has communal showers in the men's locker room. This gym was built in the 70's, I believe. A friend of mine belongs to this gym and he said that guys are naked in the locker room all the time. I used to go to this gym years ago when each locker room had an indoor spa and sauna. It was very common for guys to be naked in the spa, and anywhere else in the locker room for that matter. They closed the spas and saunas at least 5 years ago, but it still has the communal showers.
- a year ago