Locker Room Nudists

People that go totally naked in the locker room without the need to hide themselves with a towel.

Naked Sauna Steam

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Used to be you could just sit on your towel in the sauna or steam room. Now you have to be wrapped in a towl or shots. I see guys who actually shower in their underwear and won't get fully naked. What happened?

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RE:Naked Sauna Steam

That's a very good question, What happened? Started when men were reduced to emotionless creatures that want to be dominant but that was relabeled as chauvinistic. As soon as men questioned themselves, it all went downhill. Males now change in the toilet stall, or in a shower stall with the curtain closed because they are terrified of being judged as a lesser man because of their limp penis. Men no longer can compare and talk about it with other men because now that is labeled as not heterosexual. Furthermore, porn has become the only outlet for makes to see penis. As such, the typical porn penis is not average, making the male question their size. It's all very sad. I will note to those who are attempting to be good christians, that jesus died nude. It was the west, and conservative popes, who put the leaf over his penis. So, when you are anywhere in a lockeroom, you can wear a cross necklace because it is your religious choice. Nudity is the same. You are religiously discriminated against if you say you are being like Jesus and living in his name. Anyway...I've taught my boys to be nude, and they struggle publicly, but are good when we are alone because of their brainwashed peers. No wonder men are snowflakes anymore? They are terrified of being nude and judged so feel like it's normal to judge everything around them. Cheers!

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RE:Naked Sauna Steam

Used to be you could just sit on your towel in the sauna or steam room. Now you have to be wrapped in a towl or shots. I see guys who actually shower in their underwear and won't get fully naked. What happened?

You still can in my gym. Man of all ages hang out nude in the steam room and sauna where I go. Maybe you just need to find a new gym or maybe you need to set the example.

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RE:Naked Sauna Steam

i also think as kids are no longer required to shower after gym class in school they are not introduced into public nudity with other guys. when i went to school showers where mandatory so from about 12 i got used to seeing all my class naked and everyone saw me naked, we all watched ea other go thru puberty. so being naked was just a normal thing which really helped me thru life as i got older. in the navy boot in boot camp gang showers was normal then living on a submarine no privacy so seen naked all the time. so i guess being naked at a young age really helped me not to be shy about nudity. in todays world that dosnt seem to happen so people are shy about nudity which is a shame.

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RE:Naked Sauna Steam

Using a steam room or sauna naked is allowed, even the norm, in some places. At one of the YMCAs I go to that still has a separate men's and women's area, the men often use the sauna, steam and hot pool nude. Not everyone does. Likewise at a university with a sauna attached to the men's locker room. About 75% of guys now go naked, that's up from a few years ago. But I do agree that there are many gyms where it's discouraged or prohibited. It's sort of a shame. I first encountered sauna at college; a lot of guys relaxed there after their workout. Back then it wasn't even debated--every guy was nude. Somehow we all turned out OK.

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RE:Naked Sauna Steam

About 75% of guys now go naked, that's up from a few years ago. But I do agree that there are many gyms where it's discouraged or prohibited. It's sort of a shame. I first encountered sauna at college; a lot of guys relaxed there after their workout. Back then it wasn't even debated--every guy was nude. Somehow we all turned out OK.

75% naked and increasing is very high and unusual! It must be a local culture thing as it's certainly not typical Midwestern Puritanism. When you say "it's a shame," it's not clear if you mean "too bad" or that the body shame and more specifically penis shame is at the core of the issue of nudity restrictions at many gyms. Rather than focusing on the negative, I'd like to emphasize the positive, and that is likely related to body and penis positivity. Could I restate you observation: it's a pride that about 75% of men go naked in your local sauna, with the remaining minority increasingly comfortable to join in?

I celebrate the gifts of pride in your local sauna steam culture: authenticity, compassion and camaraderie. You did not mention that this has resulted in your sauna becoming a highly sexualized brood of vipers or a den of inequities, two Puritanical terms. Rather, could you simply say that your sauna is a place where men can be their naked selves together, perhaps even acknowledging and sensing positive male sexual energy in brotherhood and respect? Does you sauna affirm that men can share sexual energy without the need to demonstrate it as overt sexual behaviors? It sounds quite natural that you can focus on just being nude and turning out okay in the process. Or am I reading too much into that?

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RE:Naked Sauna Steam

Manny guys go fully dress to the steam room in the gym I go to, then they dont shower they just sit outside for few minutes to get their clothes a little dry over the body and they left.
Pretty gross.

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RE:Naked Sauna Steam

When I enter the locker room Im naked no second thoughts. I shower enter the whirlpool for 20 min. then cold shower enter the steam room for 5 min. cold shower again then sauna for 20 min. cold shower again final shower with soap dry myself in common area since they ask to not enter dressing area wet freely walk in dressing area weighing myself, combing my hair, dressing all nude. The best hour and a half of my day!!

Do you shave nude too?

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RE:Naked Sauna Steam

I meant face.

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RE:Naked Sauna Steam

I just go to Planet Fitness. Any recommendations for a gym with Suana/Shower ?

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