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Locker Room Gang Showers

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My health club has gang showers for 12 guys. I have a problem when I wash my genitals I get an erection; even at home.Well, it happened at the club. I had nothing with which to cover itso I faced the shower wall. The guy next to me did a side glance and got his eye full. He was the next erection. Before I knew it about five or six were sporting one. The interesting part is that none of them were embarrassed or tried to hide them. That was unbelievable to me. I guess the were exhibitionists or the sight oferections was exciting to them.Anybody had the same experience or can offer an explanation?

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  • 12 years ago
RE: Locker Room Gang Showers

My health club has gang showers for 12 guys. Ihave a problem when I wash my genitals I get an erection; even athome.Well, it happened at the club. I had nothing with whichto cover itso I faced the shower wall. The guy next tome did a side glance and got his eye full. He was the nexterection. Before I knew it about five or six were sportingone. The interesting part is that none of them wereembarrassed or tried to hide them. That was unbelievable to me. Iguess the were exhibitionists or the sight oferections wasexciting to them.Anybody had the same experience or can offer anexplanation?My gym has gang showers and separate sauna and stream room...allmen check out each does not matter if gay bi and straight it justwhat men do and those that are most comfortable in their skin aregoing to have no problem seeing another man with an erection andworry that they might get one as's those that turned tothe wall that are uncomfortable in their skins.

Yeah I agree it should be gang showers, no reason to be ashamed and plus nothing wrong with looking especially a group of guys. Great bonding experience I think. At my gym it's a stall and curtain, wish I knew of some gang showers in phoenix to visit

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  • 8 years ago
RE:Locker Room Gang Showers

I can imagine that being the first guy to sport wood in a gang shower might be embarrassed. I can imagine that being the first guy to sport sympathetic wood in a gang shower might be embarrassed. By the time the fourth one is up, there is clearly no reason for anyone to be embarrassed.

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  • 8 years ago
RE:Locker Room Gang Showers

I've been going to gyms for almost my whole life. Some of the Y's and colleges still have the gang showers but the health clubs have converted to stalls. I was at a golf country club a week ago and was surprised they still had a gang shower. I posted a pic to the media (I didn't know how to do it here).

This post was edited 7 years ago
  • 7 years ago
RE:Locker Room Gang Showers

Maybe it's kind of like a sneeze. Once one person in a room sneezes, it sets off a chain reaction! I've seen the same thing happen at naked events.

On the subject of gang showers, I haven't seen any since a gym I went to over 10 years ago. And that gym only had a small communal shower room that acted as overflow if the stalls were all taken. I've talked about this with several friends and we'd all like to see a resurgence of communal showers, but it seems like guys now really don't want to be naked in the locker room at all if they can help it. These are they guys who either cover up with a towel when they change or bring their change of clothes with them into the shower. It's crazy!

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  • 7 years ago
RE:Locker Room Gang Showers

I've used lots of showers in locker rooms and have not had this experience since I was young. Thought it was a more maturity thing that I've not had this experience for years and had forgotten about it to an extent.

Have seen plenty of guys washing excessively and fluffing themselves to look bigger .

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  • 7 years ago
RE: Locker Room Gang Showers

Here's the thing. The process whereby the erotic ideation that begins the erection starts to form haphazardly is based in physiological events. Temperature change blood pressure change visual and physical cues (internal and external) etc starts to cause tumescense.

You get hotter, raise blood pressure and then locally raise blood temperature in the shower. Male sex pheromones hang in the air and the damp air of the showers delivers those to the brain more efficiently. The entire sequence of the work out promotes erections. Both male and female sex pheromones produce erections in mammals. Humans are not that different.

Then the already primed penises witness one erection. Group of males and this one is wining. The rest follow suite as a selective defense mechanism. It's physics chemistry and biology.

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  • 7 years ago
RE:Locker Room Gang Showers

The hammam where I use to go in Paris still has gang showers, 3 or 4 in a row. Last time I went there as soon as I arrived I had a shower and I immediately had an erection. I was facing the wall but a man was having his shower next to me and was looking at my booner. I noticed that my erection started to be contagious. It was the first time it happens to me but I didnt really feel bad about it. This kind of reaction is just natural

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  • 7 years ago
RE:Locker Room Gang Showers

When I was stationed at Ft. Sam Houston in San Antonio Texas for basic training in 1971, we had to go play Army in the field for 3 days at Camp Bullis. Roughing it, sleeping in tents, obstacle course, etc. All sweaty stuff and no showers. We took a bus back to Ft. Sam and ran back into the barracks and stripped down to hit the showers. This was an old part of the fort, where supposedly Teddy Roosevelt trained the Rough Riders. The latrine/shower was in a separate building, behind the barracks. My locker was near the entry, so i was one of the first to hit the showers. There were only 8 shower heads available for 50-60 guys, and before long, 50 guys were standing there naked hollering at us to hurry up. All in good fun. Finally, one of the guys waiting said "the hell with it" and joined his buddy at the shower head next to mine, and then more guys stepped in...they couldn't wait. Before you knew it, 30-40 guys were crowded under 8 shower heads. Lots of horseplay and cat-calling, even mutual back-washing. One of the sergeants heard all the noise and came in, shook his head and walked out.
That was probably the greatest shower experience I ever had. I'd like to experience it again, but without the Army part!

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  • 7 years ago
RE: Locker Room Gang Showers

My gym is Eos and the showers are stalls like in bathrooms. I have not seen any guys nude in the sauna, which is opposite side on the locker room. Mine had a pool and I wear a speedo/bikini. Plud a hot tub.

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  • 3 years ago
RE: Locker Room Gang Showers

There are 2 YMCAs in my area. Both have open showers and separate sauna/steam rooms. Both are nude-friendly, but the one I go to more often is a lot friendlier. Guys chat in the sauna and steam rooms, even with people they don't know. The other place, no one talks to each other.

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  • 2 years ago