London England (UK)

Anyone know where this picture has come from, it's not me and I've no idea how it got there!!This is a group for anyone who lives or works in London/SE England or visits London regularly and frequently would like to meet other London naturists. If you are just visiting London please use this group: London UK visitors, you will be deleted if you join...

New and close to London sometimes...

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Hey thought I better post that my profile says I'm not close and explain why I have joined, So Please Don;t Kick Me Out!
My profile address is my Home/Mothers addresss, But I'm a student at Luton university and will live be there late september onwards and as it only costs like fiver return to get to london and london being close and soo many more nudist and probably events/places to go then both my hometown and luton, just wanted to make some london friends and join in....

So yeah from late september onwards I can/will visit London regularly Thank you ^_^

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  • 14 years ago
RE: New and close to London sometimes...

Well as Luton has an airport callled, mysterious;y 'London Luton airport' I reckon your Luton connection keeps you safe!

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  • 14 years ago