Look At Me! I'm Totally Naked

For those of us that love to be completely naked and don't mind who sees us and knows about it. Whether it's indoors, outside, in private or in public, relaxing on the beach or modelling in a studio, we love showing off every inch of our naked bodies to anyone who'll see us. We have nothing to hide and are proud to be nudists.

Neither Pride nor Shame

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I did not design or make my body. I'm not responsible for its various parts and pieces. I have cause for neither pride nor shame.

I'm neither proud of nor ashamed of my nose, fingers, or toes -- why should my attitude be any different regarding my cock and balls?

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RE:Neither Pride nor Shame

I did not design or make my body. I'm not responsible for its various parts and pieces. I have cause for neither pride nor shame.I'm neither proud of nor ashamed of my nose, fingers, or toes -- why should my attitude be any different regarding my cock and balls?

Embrace them! They are just part of the features that make is individuals.

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RE:Neither Pride nor Shame

Absolutely. They are all merely parts of my body.

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RE:Neither Pride nor Shame

Some parts of my body I can influence and some I can't. I probably should seek to improve those I can in contrast to acceptance of those I can't.

Okay, there's surgical measures, but I'm not going there. :-)

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