Louisiana Nudists

We are nudists who live in Louisiana.

Crawfish Season

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Crawfish season will be coming around soon. Who wants to have a crawfish boil? I know I can't be the onliest one in this group that likes the little critters.

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  • 10 years ago
RE: Crawfish Season

Crawfish season is once again upon us. I got the seasonings already for the first pot full of the year.

Going out in a few hours to get a sack of them to cook up tomorrow.

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  • 7 years ago
RE: Crawfish Season

Crawfish season is once again upon us. I got the seasonings already for the first pot full of the year.Going out in a few hours to get a sack of them to cook up tomorrow.

Anybody want to bring a sack of them over tomorrow to get them cooked up RIGHT while I have the water properly seasoned? Mine always turn out muchly better than any of the places I have tried that cook them up commercially.

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  • 7 years ago