Love The Male Body

In general, when people talk about nudes, they always talk about the female body. Well, I think it's about time the male form gets it's due. Yes, the female form is a thing of beauty, but from my point of view, there is nothing that compares to the male silhouette. No matter his age, color or what body type he is. I have a great appreciation for the male form... especially from the rear....

Let's see some male bodies you think are hot!

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OK, people... post some pics of guys you think have hot bodies! no requirements... after all, everyone is going to have a different opinion on this and no one is wrong! (and help me out a bit, please?! i tried to post some pics yesterday and couldn't figure out how to do it. Thanx!)

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  • 15 years ago
RE: Let's see some male bodies you think are hot!

Well, there are some fine specimens of the male form in the "Real Fit Nudists" group.
Just sayin'.

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  • 14 years ago
RE: Let's see some male bodies you think are hot!

but i can't post a photo of a TN member without their permission. that would get us into big trouble really fast. so i'll have to forgo using the pics on the "Really Fit Nudists" group on this group. However, now that I know about the group, I'm thinking I'll at least have to go check both it and the guys out. I mean, what kind of admirer of the malebody would I be if I didn't? LOL! Thanx for the tip. :)

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  • 14 years ago
RE: Let's see some male bodies you think are hot!

Maybe some invites to the group are in order.

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  • 14 years ago
RE: Let's see some male bodies you think are hot!

Hey Betsy! I haven't posted in awhile as I've been off of here after a barage of attacks of the gay community wanting my friendship for sexual reasons. Needless to say I cleaned up my friends list greatly...
Anyway I digress... While I'm not in the "Real Fit" category you have seen my pics as I have posted some here. So you are free to use my pics if you wish. :)

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  • 14 years ago
RE: Let's see some male bodies you think are hot!

awwwwwwwww, how sweet! thank you!i may just do that... altho, if you'd like to go ahead and post them yourself, feel free! that is what most of the guys on here have done. either way, we'll be really happy to have them here. sharing is good! :)

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  • 14 years ago
RE: Let's see some male bodies you think are hot!

See what you think of me !!!

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  • 12 years ago
RE: Let's see some male bodies you think are hot!

Why wouldn't you consider yourself as a hot looking guy, Steve? From
the pics I can see, you're very nice looking. So, go
ahead. Post away! Pics of yourself or anyone else you
think is hot. (And, remember, I am particularly fond of
shots of guys from behind... just sayin.) LOL!!!

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  • 9 years ago