Everyone nudist/naturist who likes to show his/her nude body and also likes to look at other people's nude bodies.

RE: Enjoy being watched nude ?

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Message me if any male enjoys being watched nude.

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RE: Enjoy being watched nude ?

Do I like being watched in the nude? Certainly !A few years ago I lived in Spain in a small house with a large backyard. My work began late in the afternoon. So I could spend the whole morning and even more suntanning nude in the backyard. The backyard was protected with a wooden fense and high trees. So I could not be seen from the street or surrounding buildings, with one exception: a large balcony at the third floor of a building nearby. This building was on the eastern side, so in the morning I could not see clearly whether somebody was there. Feeling free and safe, I was doing what I liked: lying, sitting, walking, jogging, jumping, doing physical exercises in the nude, taking sometimes rather funny poses.
Once lying on a matrass I noticed a movement on the balcony. That was a woman 40 or 45 years old. She was standing deep in the shade and was evidently watching me. My first intention was to go away. And that's what I did. In the house I put on my shorts, returned to the backyard and continued to suntan. The woman had gone before I returned and did not appear again...
The next day I put on my shorts and began to suntan as usual. I was suntanning for about three hours but the woman did not appear. "Shit!" I said to myself. "Finally it is my territory and I can do here what I wish. If she likes to watch, let her watch."
I took off my shorts and... here she was. Saying frankly, I was feeling somewhat ashamed but decided not to surrender...
The woman understood that I had noticed her. Initially she was watching me from the shade, then came closer that I could see her beautiful face and dark hair. After a week of such silent relationship I decided to wave my hand to her. I did it while jogging around the backyard and she did the same... On the next day we exchanged smiles... So I continued to suntan nude in the backyard for about two months after that.
This is the whole story. Did she like to watch me? The answer is positive. Did I like to know that she was watching me? Positive too.
If you have other questions, please ask.

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RE: Enjoy being watched nude ?

Message me if any male enjoys being watched 2 show myself 2 everyone. male or female/ I also like 2 jerk off 4 the gals.

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RE: Enjoy being watched nude ?

marriedinupland on skypeif you want to watch me being nude This is gonna sound dumb... how do you Skype?

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RE: Enjoy being watched nude ?

I also get a thrill from being watched nude. I keep a webcam running when I'm home during the day athttps:// so that people can peek in on me while I go about my day. I enjoy viewing others' cams as well - am definitely more of a voyeur, but have a bit of exhibitionist streak as well. It's a great way to explore that side of me :)

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RE: Enjoy being watched nude ?

It goes without saying that people in this group like to be seen naked. I have a private back garden (yard) screened from all but one of the neighbours. Occasionally someone busts in and catches me sunbathing naked. The last time was the village gossip. She was telling all her lady friends in the pub that night. Then, as they were leaving,we talked about it in front of everyone there. What a thrill! I regularly visit friends in France. On the last time others were staying too, altogether two women, two men and me. They stayed clothed but I wandered around naked from morning to bed time. They got so used to seeing me naked that they commented when (one chilly night) I put my shorts on.

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RE: Enjoy being watched nude ?

I also get a thrill from being watched nude. I keep a webcam running when I'm home during the day athttps:// so that people can peek in on me while I go about my day. I enjoy viewing others' cams as well - am definitely more of a voyeur, but have a bit of exhibitionist streak as well. It's a great way to explore that side of me :)Great cam and perfect way to share your love of the lifestyle! Two thumbs up!

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RE: Enjoy being watched nude ?

thanks, brother :) I really appreciate that!XO,Brett

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RE: Enjoy being watched nude ?

I slways hsve my webcam on at home it extendsy nudist reach so to speak

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RE: Enjoy being watched nude ?

I also get a thrill from being watched nude. I keep a webcam running when I'm home during the day athttps:// so that people can peek in on me while I go about my day. I enjoy viewing others' cams as well - am definitely more of a voyeur, but have a bit of exhibitionist streak as well. It's a great way to explore that side of me :)Or go to, and type in user/password: dare2bare/netcam. Then click on SINGLE. I know that this requires a little more effort, but it will be worth it. The cam can be accessed 24/7...although I sometimes have it unplugged, so check back in a few days.

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RE: Enjoy being watched nude ?

Is your cam no longer working?
Best to you, either way, and Cheers!

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