Everyone nudist/naturist who likes to show his/her nude body and also likes to look at other people's nude bodies.
Being Exhibitionist
Return to DiscussionsIt has always been a no brainer to me. Having visited several nudist resorts, one of the best times in the world is all nude. Nobody googles/ogles.... just a group of people naked. Since very young, love showing off the skin me. Bit of a rush, chill, just knowing some one else somewhere else kniws as much about you physically as you do yourself.
I love to go into a secluded area in the woods , take off my clothes and sit down somewhere in the sun then set up my phone to video and film myself. l always delete the video and never send it to anyone.i would be very turned on if I knew someone else was watching it.
425-652-6750 for txt
As an Exhibitionist I chose somewhere that isn't secluded. And any photos get posted her on TN or on other websites. The photo below was taken in the sand dunes at Mas Palomas. I wasn't the only one with a photo. Those on the camels were taking some too. I've been in other places where I've enjoyed being photographed, and not only on beaches. One was in Central Harrogate (a posh Yorkshire, UK town) where I had to pose for a hen party