Everyone nudist/naturist who likes to show his/her nude body and also likes to look at other people's nude bodies.
Do it here
Return to DiscussionsThis is a good place to show your nude body. Free members can only see the first five of the pics in your profile and the site owners arrange them so the clothed ones come first.
But anyone in this group can see all the pics in the album and you can post your favourate ones - those that show off your nakedness really well. So let's do it.
You can also copy fav pics from your profile into the discussion. like this:
- 12 years ago
I Agree.......
- 11 years ago
- 11 years ago
- 11 years ago
I can't seem to get the photos to show up as large, what's the secret?
- 11 years ago
- 11 years ago
I can also be seen on cam most of the time I am in Chat.
But, how do we post photos to the thread? I hit the blue square and it ask me for a target URL of the image and the link one ask me for the link. I have no idea what either of those mean.
- 11 years ago
The last time I looked TN members are 90% men compared with only 5% women (and 5% couples). So it isn't a bit surprising that most entries are from men.
- 11 years ago
The last time I looked TN members are 90% men compared with only 5% women (and 5% couples). So it isn't a bit surprising that most entries are from men.
I think naturally11 is a joke! he and I use to talk in chat and via messages and one day I said HI and he was rude and blocked me from future contact, we never spoke sexually or anything, but he is afraid of nude males. Several of my friends have the same issue with him. I do not feel/think he is here for the True Nudists experience. I wish I could permanently block him and all his posts, they are the same, no women, not gay, etc.
- 11 years ago