Madison WI (or Vicinity) Naturists

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Oh No, the DNR is closing MAZO Beach Monday - Friday...

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Oh No, Read this article in the Madison newspaper... the DNR has closed Mazo Monday through Friday... It will only be open Sat and Sunday.... Nudist haven Mazo Beach closed during the week; sex, drug use cited
Read more: flocking to Mazomanie Beach on the Wisconsin River will need to find another place to shed their clothing Monday through Friday.The state Department of Natural Resources announced on Tuesday the popular spot for nudists will only be open on Saturdays and Sundays, from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m.The reasons for the closing? Illicit sex in public, drug use and cruising for sex.The closing takes effect immediately and continues through Sept. 15. In future years, the beach property will be closed Monday through Friday from March 1 through Sept. 15.The property will be open seven days a week from Sept. 15 through March 1, but DNR spokesman Bob Manwell told few sunbathers would be using it during the cold months, and it would be more utilized by hunters."The goal of this closure is to make Mazomanie Beach a safe and enjoyable environment for everyone who visits or floats past the area," said DNR Conservation Warden Nate Kroeplin in a news release."It is clear from our records the majority of illicit activity is taking place on weekdays," Kroeplin said. "Along with the closure we will add extra law enforcement presence."The closure includes the entire property, the beach, islands immediately off the beach, and wooded areas. Public access won't be allowed from either land or the river.Several years ago, the DNR closed wooded areas near Mazo Beach because of complaints of illicit sexual activity in the woods.The beach is in the northwest corner of Dane County in the town of Mazomanie."National websites have portrayed Mazomanie Beach as a destination spot for naturist (nudist) activity," the release said."Some individuals from states as far away as Florida have traveled to the beach for this, and to look for a sexual encounter. Illegal drug use has also been documented."

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RE: Oh No, the DNR is closing MAZO Beach Monday - Friday...

I sent a letter to both AANR, and the Naturist Society asking them to put this issue in front of theirlobbyists.
Also, I sent a letter to the DNR letting them know that I disagree with this decision. While I do agree that illegalbehaviorshould not be allowed, I do not think that limiting the open hours of the beach willaccomplishtheir goals.
Ibelievethat the DNR will have to increase its patrols to keep the beach closed... Per the article I read, the beach will be fully closed... both road access and river access. So even clothed canoe'rs will not be able to set foot on that specific plot of land.
So it seems to me that the DNR will have to increase its patrols,,, so why not keep the beach open, and still increase the patrols. That would allow True Nudists to enjoy nature, while the unlawful folks would be stopped by the DNR.
I do not believe the DNR will change their mind... and I dobelievethey will strictly enforce this new closure. My only thought is that a Democratic or LibertarianGovernormay change the rules, and open up the beach once again. Of course I hope that the AANR and NaturistSocietymakes a stand on this issue as well.
Mazo beach is a special place. One of the only Free naturist spots in the mid west. PLEASE DO ALL YOU CAN DO to keep the beach OPEN]]]

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RE: Oh No, the DNR is closing MAZO Beach Monday - Friday...

I do not believe there was an open or close date in the past. I remember being there in a warm April as well as going until October in years past. Whether or not this has changed this year we need to know.

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