Male Adornment
This group is for men who like to wear body jewelry for personal adornment. This is meant to include piercings, cock rings, necklaces, bracelets, anklets, belts.
prince Alberts
Return to DiscussionsI got mine about 6 years ago and now at a 0 gauge curved barbell. I'm hoping within the next year to be at 00g. Anyone else have a 00 and can tell me of your experiences stretching?
- 10 years ago
I have no experience with a large gauge O as I'm at 2ga and happy with it. My stretching from 10ga to 2ga was entirely gravity done and just the wearing and normal body movements. My jewelry was SS but is now titanium - much lighter - and some colors which are cool - two green ones and one purple one.
- 10 years ago
I got my first PA, a 10g circular barbell, six years ago. About every two or three months I would upsize by going to my piercer and he'd use a "taper" to ease the new larger jewelry through the hole. I am now up to 00000g jewelry, but I will vary what I wear depending upon mood and how it feels. Generally I'll wear either a 00g, 000g, or the 00000g. I also have varying diameters on the circular barbell ranging from 3/4" to 1 1/2". I can tell you that the 00000g 1 1/2" jewelry is quite impressive (or scary from other's perspective). Of course the weight of such sized jewelry can cause a bit of discomfort at times, which is why I alternate between sizes.
- 10 years ago
I would love to have a PA but they are not allowed at the resort that I go to.
- 10 years ago
I would love to have a PA but they are not allowed at the resort that I go to.
Which is why I avoid such places. Those arbitrary rules are judgmental and typical of places that profess to be free and open, then load up on all those exclusionary rules. To paraphrase a title of a well-known stage play: "No Sex Please, We're AANR" May I suggest you follow your desire and get a PA and then either find a club that allows it, or try to makes changes to the one that excludes it.
- 10 years ago
I would love to have a PA but they are not allowed at the resort that I go to.
Shaved, do they not allow any body piercings? What is their reasoning for restricting them?
- 10 years ago
one of the nice things about having a prince albert is once it is healed you can take it out. I leave mine out for weeks at a time and when I want it the jewelry goes in easily. I wear a 4 gauge normally but can upgrade to a 2 if I want to.
- 10 years ago
I Love my PA -- and always say it's the best thing I did for ME!I wear and show it everywhere--if that's a problem--they don't get my money! It's not a sexual thing--it's a wonderful thing!
- 10 years ago
It's not a sexual thing--it's a wonderful thing!If you don't mind I'm going to copy that!Thanks,
For sure! Just credit me! :)
- 10 years ago
I got mine about 6 years ago and now at a 0 gauge curved barbell. I'm hoping within the next year to be at 00g. Anyone else have a 00 and can tell me of your experiences stretching?
I envy your ability to wear a 0 gaure and/or 00 gauge ring! Some of the men commented that they wear a 000 and even a 0000 gauge PA! Wow! The size of the penis to be able to carry the weight, I'd love to see! I can wear a 0 gauge ring, but not comfortably. I wear a 2 gauge ring all of the time and once in a great while, will wear a 0 gauge ring; however, after several hours of wear, i need to take it out. I do have eight 0 gauge rings in my scrotal ladder and I love the weight of the rings. I wish I could wear the weight of a 0 gauge 7/8 diameter ring for my PA.
- 10 years ago
I have only worn titanium so I can't relate to the guys who wear stainless and the weight associated. That being said, my piercer told me not to go beyond a "0". He said given the size of what the PA is attached to, I would look out of proportion, also he said the amount of skin I have between my urethra and the PA fistula would make me more a candidate for a meatotomy if I went beyond a "0".
- 10 years ago