MALE Beauty

We usually associate beauty with femininity. By contrast with women's, male bodies are built for power and strength, have a 'rugged beauty' of their own. As nudists, it's wholly acceptable to admire others' physical bodies--regardless of their gender or ours. This is a group to express our admiration of the male physique.

I am new to the site and obviously this group. Photography is a serious hobby of mine and I have high regard for the human form as an artistic template. Finding willing models of either gender can be difficult, so I began dabbling in artistic nudes by modeling for myself via a tripod and using the timer function on camera. I'm eager to share my work here and encourage you to give me feedback pro or con in order to help me grow and improve as a photographer and model. If any of you live in the Carolina's and are an artist yourself whether it be photography, painting, sculpting, etc. and need a model let me know.


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Hi David! I started taking nude self-portraits over thirty years ago, for pretty much the same reasons as you. It encourages me to stay in shape. I've uploaded some of my work on TN in various groups as well as my own profile page.
Best wishes, Dave

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Hay there. I take my own pics while I'm at the beach or hiking. A mini gator pod is great for selfies use the timer. Might have to adjust your camera for the right pic. Take your time with it you'll do fine.

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Hi David! I started taking nude self-portraits over thirty years ago, for pretty much the same reasons as you. It encourages me to stay in shape. I've uploaded some of my work on TN in various groups as well as my own profile page.Best wishes, Dave

Yes, indeed. Doing so inspires me to keep exercising, get in shape and look good. I would prefer taking nude self portraits in nature. It's only natural, and the photos look artistic, too. It appears when the nature is beautiful and pristine, the naked human body complement the whole masterpiece and would look impressive as well.

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