Male Bonding2
For those who like to explore the concept and dynamics of male bonding. Men are socialized in different ways in different societies, and so many men would like to have close male friendships, yet after spending time establishing a career, primary relationship and live in general, find themselves without close male friends. Many of us want male friends with whom we can share openly without...
Moderator's notice: Expectations within this community
Return to DiscussionsBrothers,
I rarely take the role of moderator in these conversations, butIam going to now. We all have built this to be a safe community of men with whom we can discuss, share, disagree, and challenge each other under the lens of celebrating masculinity. We clearly have a wide variety of opinions here, and I fully encourage everyone to be self-expressive. In doing that I would actively discourage brothers from attacking others for their positions and opinions. Nothing wrong with questioning, getting clarification, even explaining why we disagree. But attacking and belittling each other is not acceptable or appropriate in the community we have built. I would also ask that we all keep the conversations on topic. IF the conversation starts down another line, let's start a new discussion.
Some of these conversations are tremendously important and helpful for our members. Sensitive issues like erectile dysfunction, penis size, sexual performance and many other topics are difficult for men to share with those who are closest to them, let alone in a such a forum as this. Yet we can collectively have a tremendous impact helping brothers, reflecting back the positives for them and asking the pointed questions that can help another brother see all perspectives on his issue. I'm am imploring us all to not abuse the trust we have in each other. Attacking and abusing a man while he's seeking feedback and showing his vulnerability is a huge abuse of his trust in us.
Time and again, brothers have expressed to me how they value this community, what it means to them.I will maintain it as well as I can.
In summary:no judgement, no attacks, treat each other as you'd hope to be treated by your best friend. Those who can not live by these "norms" of our culture in this group will be removed.
Thank you for being members of our community, for your contributions, and your brotherhood.
Thanks Scott for posting your expectations here. Well said. We don't want this group to take on a atmosphere that sometimes infects the chat room with with nasty comments, or ridiculing others because you thought they asked a dumb question or don't agree with their views.