Male Bonding2

For those who like to explore the concept and dynamics of male bonding. Men are socialized in different ways in different societies, and so many men would like to have close male friendships, yet after spending time establishing a career, primary relationship and live in general, find themselves without close male friends. Many of us want male friends with whom we can share openly without...

Naked Erections .

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I think ALL MEN , Whether str8 , bi , gay OR CURIOS LOVE THEIR STIFF COCKS AND MANY SHOW IT OFF TOO . IT just depends whose company they are in and how HORNY AND What their Upbringing is . I Belive that ALL Dads must raise their sons With AN OPEN MIND and teach theirs sons not to BE ASHAMED Of THEIR MANHOOD AN Be Proud of it . MY DAD SLEPT NAKED MANY TIMES AND I saw his Boner too but was Never ashamed to see it . Also ev ery males gets it at some time or another so why be ashamed of their Boner. When I was younger I use to get them all the time without any reason even when I was in Secondary school and I was never Ashamed of it .I was 16byrs old when I was in School in my tenth grade.

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RE: Naked Erections .

With regard to leaking... As BearSE3 said,... It's perfectly natural for the body to function that way....And as has been established in this very informative and enjoyable thread, if it is natural and it happens, it's okay. Don't be embarrassed. There's no big deal about it... address it as BearSe3 suggested and it will be fine.
Personally (and I hope I am not going out on a limb here), since I do not get anything to leak, I am fascinated to see other men that do. So, I would not have a problem with seeing that happen. There I said it. :)
I'm with you. I go to a weekly nude yoga class and from time to time there's a guy who leaks. Some only a drop or two but others run like faucets. I'm facinated by it actually and while I have a droplette from time to time I have to be very "turned on" to actually get that. Some guys don't seem to need anything to get them leaking. I've always wanted to ask if they've always been that way or did something to promote it. If anyone knows a trick, please share it with all of us!

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RE: Naked Erections .

Also, I'm curious to know something (maybe it's me being a perv) but I'm not as young as I used to be so I don't get the spontaneous erections as I use to. Nowadays it takes a bit more excitement to get there so from time to time I'll take 100mg of V to "prime the pump". Am I the only guy who does this? Taking it doesn't mean you sport wood for hours but it does make it easier when you're looking/ready to sport wood.

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RE: Naked Erections .

Yep. There shouldn't be anything wrong with being curious. As far as viagra goes, I take it recreationally and, like I said, to get hard faster not because of any ED problem. I just enjoy being hard around other guys - again, I guess it's me being a perv.

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RE: Naked Erections .

With regard to leaking... As BearSE3 said,... It's perfectly natural for the body to function that way....And as has been established in this very informative and enjoyable thread, if it is natural and it happens, it's okay. Don't be embarrassed. There's no big deal about it... address it as BearSe3 suggested and it will be fine.
Personally (and I hope I am not going out on a limb here), since I do not get anything to leak, I am fascinated to see other men that do. So, I would not have a problem with seeing that happen. There I said it. :)
I'm with you. I go to a weekly nude yoga class and from time to time there's a guy who leaks. Some only a drop or two but others run like faucets. I'm facinated by it actually and while I have a droplette from time to time I have to be very "turned on" to actually get that. Some guys don't seem to need anything to get them leaking. I've always wanted to ask if they've always been that way or did something to promote it. If anyone knows a trick, please share it with all of us!I was in a nude yoga group when I was in college, and that was a LONG time ago. The Age of Aquarius! lol. There were no women/girls in our group, even tho the group was not restricted to men. I did think sometimes, for my own sake, that it was best it was all guys because I was a randy fellow, and the poses sometimes got me very aroused. To top it off I was always a leaker. I knew about using a towel and I thoroughly enjoyed the exercises. No one ever said anything to me, so I asked the leader if I was okay, or creating a problem. He was very kind and told me that he liked to observe me during the session since I clearly was using my body to its full potential (hmm, i just now realized that was a pretty strange way to say it :-) and that I was also clearly relaxed. He told me keep enjoying, there was not problem. I was not the only erect boy, but I was the only leaker.As to leaking in general... I leak even when I am not erect. I must have to be aroused for it to happen, but I never have to erect, or at least fully erect, for my pre to flow like a faucet. Those of you who want to do it more... I suggest you go back and ask for different genes. Having seen this question in other groups I gave it a lot of thought, and my experience, like so many other is, "Some men do and some men don't" Even my three sons are not the same. The oldest one has been just like me, dripping in the most innocuous situations. The other two don't seem to have that issue ever.My personal opinion, having used ED drugs now that I am older, is that they have NO effect whatsoever on pre-dripping. Again, I get dripping when I'm only mildly aroused and not at all hard.

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RE: Naked Erections .

I have always thought that the erection is not the problem but the body with the erection can choose to flaunt it or make others uncomfortable and THAT is the problem. EVERYBODY, male and female, know that erections happen but not all women know details and some are intimidated by a man being obviously sexually aroused. We men know that not all erections are equal. I am not shy but if I am in a place where erections are discouraged, I NEVER have a problem. The fact that they are discouraged is a turn off in itself. If I am in a more erection freindly location, I LOVE being hard and seeing other hard cocks! A soft cock is nice decoration but a hard cock is useful.The last item I want to comment on from this thread is represented by this comment. ERECTIONS are natural physiological responses of the male body and do not have to be sexually stimulated. The difference between my being accepting of one in a social situation and turned off by the person with one is how they behave. At a party and drunk I give a guy a little leeway, but in the gym locker room, for example, I don't want to see someone walking around self-pleasuring or even showing it off like the dumb cock he is. Same at at resort, the generally accepted behavior is to sit and relax it or go in the pool, lake, etc; where it is not flagrant.Guys, enjoy your maleness, but if you make a show of it, in the wrong situation, I won't be happy to know you. (no matter how sexy you think you look)

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RE: Naked Erections .

so, I will admit that I have grown up as well ina very conservative household, in which i came out only after i moved out, also it was when i started exploring nudism at home. Last year i became a member here on TN because of a friend i made and since then, i'vemet with and skype chatted with a bunch of people and i have always gotten a boner, and have become more comfortable with my erections while chatting. i have yet to be able to hang out with other guys socially because i cant find many in this area.
I'm a little nervous because, whether i'm aroused or merely reacting to seeing another naked individual, i do precum and always feel like i have to have a rag with me. i'm nervous to hang out with people because of my possible leaking and i feel like it could be rude, in a sense because i need to be focussed on making sure i dont make a mess.

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RE: Naked Erections .

well jay, that actually does put perspective on things slightly more than i thought before. i would probs notice it and make a comment but i feel because its me, thinking about me, i would feel comfortable if i wasnt the only one at that time with the 'conversation topic' flowing lol

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RE: Naked Erections .

All of the topics that we've touched on in this thread are very interesting. It's fantastic to see a diverse group of guys being able to talk about these male things so comfortably and openly. Until this thread, I thought most guys, primarily straight ones, were too uptight to discuss erections, masturbation, leaking, etc. It's nice to see that there are a lot of relaxed guys in the world.As far as leaking, I always envy guys who leak. My parts don't work that way. We always want what we don't have. I would love to be able to get erections easily, have a foreskin, and be a leaker.This is a great thread!I totally agree, NudeSkyDude, with your wishes; I wish for the same.
Yes, this is a great thread!

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RE: Naked Erections .

I believe the group topic is MALE BONDING. Talking about Male Issues is not out of line. Worrying about someone's RULES for TRUE NUDISTS is out of line. Besides on a topic like this, while a good measure of comic relief is in order, so are some hard (opps) realities. Nothing to me is more important to any man, but particularly to nudists, than the process of becoming comfortable in/with your own body.

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RE: Naked Erections .

I just remembered something that happened many years ago when I was in college at age 22. This was at a time in my life before I had worked out the relationship between nudity and sexuality for myself. I spent the night at a friend's apartment. He was a casual friend I knew from a class and we had studied late into the evening and he had invited me to spend the night. I slept in my own room under a light blanket. As was the practice, I slept nude as I had every night since I was 18. But I was under covers and never thought about it. I myself woke erect but that's nothing to do with my story. In the morning I awoke to hear my friend walking around. He stopped by the open door to my room to greet me a good morning. I was pleasantly surprised to see he was completely nude and almost completely erect. We chatted briefly about how I had slept. and then he walked to the washroom where I could hear him relieving himself. I was struck by the ease with which he trusted I would have no problem with his nude body or his erection. And this was true. It still stands out as a wonderful expression of openness between two males. And it freed me up to feel there was nothing to be ashamed of with regard to erections, my own or others. In factI then got up and went to the washroom myself and he briefly saw me as he offered me a towel and his shower. My room mates and I had been nude and erect in each others presence many times. But these were people I lived in close quarters with and knew well. I was very pleased that my casual friend was so relaxed with me that morning and it left an impression on me.

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