Male Bonding2
For those who like to explore the concept and dynamics of male bonding. Men are socialized in different ways in different societies, and so many men would like to have close male friendships, yet after spending time establishing a career, primary relationship and live in general, find themselves without close male friends. Many of us want male friends with whom we can share openly without...
New gathering planned for Friday, Dec 13 that includes a "White Elephant/DirtySanta" gift ex/change. PM if you'd be interested in attending and have not already received your e-vite in your e-mail.
I've long observed that when two women see each other, or upon parting, do so with a hug and even a kiss, on the cheek and often on the lips. (My wife is one of those types of people.) But when two guys do it, well it makes people uncomfortable....
I probably live far from most people Can we bond via Skype?
Hi fellas, Im looking to move homes around February of 2020. I currently live in West Harlem, and ideally want to stay in the city or with a fast commute to Midtown. Im 33, been living in the city for few years now, holding a stable job with a...
Hi all - i was just wondering as a straight lad that enjoys nude male company - am i the only one? Also if im not do you ever get lads getting the wrong idea when you say you want to hang out naked with them? I just enjoy the bonding from being...
Hello y'all, fi you're good looking lad and u want to bond and you like having a wanking buddy to watch some good porn together, message me and we can add each other on skype and bond over stuff we love there.
I recently quit my membership at the YMCA for LA Fitness. The Y was mostly 60+ whereas the average age at LAF is likely half that. I was expecting there to be less nudity in the locker room, but am shocked that not only do millennials wear shorts in...
Hi all if anyone you like to join me for nude coffee at my place let me know as my door is always open for my nudist friends. Love to meet up with other guys.
So you want for whatever reason - there are many good ones- to be closer to men. You have felt it in the past - mostly during a conversation after everyone else fell asleep around a campfire, walking home from the movie with a buddy at night. or on...
Live in St. Charles. I am 64 and looking for other mature and responsible guys 30=70 who want to meet for either 1:1 or in a circle....I am willing to share cell number as long as your responsible. Thanks