Male Bonding2

For those who like to explore the concept and dynamics of male bonding. Men are socialized in different ways in different societies, and so many men would like to have close male friendships, yet after spending time establishing a career, primary relationship and live in general, find themselves without close male friends. Many of us want male friends with whom we can share openly without...

Many straight lads here?

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Hi all - i was just wondering as a straight lad that enjoys nude male company - am i the only one? Also if im not do you ever get lads getting the wrong idea when you say you want to hang out naked with them? I just enjoy the bonding from being naked with a couple of nudist pals.

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RE:Many straight lads here?

I am not a stright guy but I am very interested in chatting, sharing and possibly more with stright guys, especially younger ones.

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RE:Many straight lads here?

I'm a straight guy, but have dabbled a bit on the bi, mainly just to see what it felt like to hold a big cock. :)

Seriously though, I've met 4 people from TN, 3 I met naked the 4th was clothed, 2 were straight and 2 gay, 1 of the gay guys was the clothed meeting, met them all at my flat before I moved. I didn't get on with one of the gay guys and one of the straight guys so didn't meet them again, the other gay guy I still chat with on TN but we haven't met again. The other straight guy I met with a few more times, he came to my flat and we'd have a chat and a coffee, but we always ended up watching some porn and jerking off, not that I have a problem with that, I like jerking off. I have to admit I did like doing it with someone else and have always thought I would love to join a jerk circle, wondering what it would feel like jerking off in a group.

But I'm all for meeting up as a group and doing some activity or other. But it would have to be localish, not going to drive all the way to Cardiff. ;)

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RE:Many straight lads here?

I too am straight and enjoy the company of other nude males. After college I needed to share expenses and rented a house with another guy at work. Had our own social lives but got to be good friends. Guess we were always naked in our own bedrooms and it just naturally came about that we were always naked around the house. When home at the same time did everything together naked - cooking, housework, tanning in the back yard - never anything sexual about it. If either of us had a boner in the morning it was never an issue or discussion.

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RE:Many straight lads here?

Straight here. Yes I enjoying hanging out with guys and girls. Just matters on the personality.

Nudism and sexuality and not the same thing.

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