Male Bonding2

For those who like to explore the concept and dynamics of male bonding. Men are socialized in different ways in different societies, and so many men would like to have close male friendships, yet after spending time establishing a career, primary relationship and live in general, find themselves without close male friends. Many of us want male friends with whom we can share openly without...

Cell phone policies in locker rooms

I recently quit my membership at the YMCA for LA Fitness. The Y was mostly 60+ whereas the average age at LAF is likely half that. I was expecting there to be less nudity in the locker room, but am shocked that not only do millennials wear shorts in...

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Naked in Thailand

Hi all if anyone you like to join me for nude coffee at my place let me know as my door is always open for my nudist friends. Love to meet up with other guys.

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by HundoBare 
So what do you do?

So you want for whatever reason - there are many good ones- to be closer to men. You have felt it in the past - mostly during a conversation after everyone else fell asleep around a campfire, walking home from the movie with a buddy at night. or on...

Nude in Chicago's far west suburbs?

Live in St. Charles. I am 64 and looking for other mature and responsible guys 30=70 who want to meet for either 1:1 or in a circle....I am willing to share cell number as long as your responsible. Thanks

Skype with cam

hi , 39 yo newbie here. naked around the house. getting ready in the bathroom but bit bored all by myself, looking to cam with male (gay/bi/bi-curious) on Skype with cam to pass the time and help me out - add me now: horny_little_devil79

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a new record

Last night I hosted a guy I met at a local writing group. He had come over once before for dinner but he could not stay around so I did not get to suggest a hot tub soak. Last night after we ate, I suggested a soak and he agreed. We both stripped...

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Anybody in Phoenix, AZ?

Looking for someone in my age range (25-39) who wants to have a naked bromance. Somebody who is cool with affection like hugging, arms around each other for long periods of time, etc. The below pic would be us on a typical night if we were watching...

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New Jersey

Is there anyone on here from NJ? Looking to meet new friends to get to know and hang out nude with

New Zealander's

Hey mates, Live in Auckland and would like to meet guys if living here or thibking in travel around New Zealand... Let's chat

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