Male Bonding2
For those who like to explore the concept and dynamics of male bonding. Men are socialized in different ways in different societies, and so many men would like to have close male friendships, yet after spending time establishing a career, primary relationship and live in general, find themselves without close male friends. Many of us want male friends with whom we can share openly without...
Can You Have Sex With a Straight Buddy, and still be Straight yourself?
Return to DiscussionsHey Guys,
So i'm surfing a cam site called chaturbate. Which i find fun to watch amateurcouples going at it. Somehow i bumped into these two straight buddies.I decided to watch a little and from the conversations being had along withtheir info sheet. So basically they're story is, there's these two best friends, who have been loggersin canada for the years. They god laid off a few months ago and we're having a hardtime making ends meet. One of the guys moved into to his married buddy's house,and is renting their guest room. So this is where it gets good: Somehow the buddy that moved in, found outabout how to make some extra cash through doing shows on cam with his buddy.They started out with just mutual masturbation but started making more and moremoney and so basically they go all the way now. ( .. and i mean *all* the way,saw it for myself last night)
The wife of one of the guy's knows everything is in complete support. The other buddy'sgirlfriend knows too and also has no problem with it. i identify as straight but even i foundmyself somewhat aroused by how close they were bonding. I mean they body language was definitelyof just buddies hanging out and bonding, but when they start kissing... it didn't look forced or romanticbut rather it looked like two close buddies sharing themselves with each other. One of the people there asked the receiver guy how he still consider himself straight afterhe just had a penis inside him. He explained that he enjoys the feeling of a dildo and hasbeen using one for years, so for him its just about sensation, he is not sexually turned on by his buddy.However, since his wife had been pregnant he wasn't getting any sex so they figured out they couldmake money while both "helped" each other out
The reason i want to share this with you guys, is even though i know what i think about this, i wanted toget your thoughts about the two straight buddies who have sex with each other but still identify as straight.( not about the topic itself )
Is it possible to be heterosexual and have a sexual relationship with a close friend of the same gender? Or Gayand have a sexual relationship with someone from the opposing gender.? Do you believe its more about themale bonding emotional connection these two share? or is it just about the money?
What do you guys think?
Sounds very interesting. These guys have engaged in having sex
together, while their female partners are aware of it. They do
enjoy it and they do like showing off for profit. I don't think we
might call this affair straight. In this case it is bi-sexual
relationships and good luck to anyone having fun like these guys
What do you guys think?
The older I get (and I'm only 48 last time I checked) the more I
think labels don't mean a goddamn thing.
That's not just because I'm getting older, it's because I keep
seeing more and more exceptions to the hard and fast "rules"
implied by these labels themselves.
So the guys are both in relationships with women. So they get it on with each
other. They identify as straight but they engage in behavior that's
not so straight. That doesn't mean they're not straight.
At the end of the day, who gives a shit? They're men. They can be
and do whatever the hell they want, provided they aren't breaking
any laws or hurting other people.
It sounds like they're doing neither of those things. I say more
power to them.
I wish more people thought and acted like they and their wives do.
The world would be a much better place, I think.
Sounds very interesting. These guys have engaged inhaving sex together, while their female partners are aware of it.They do enjoy it and they do like showing off for profit. I don'tthink we might call this affair straight. In this case it isbi-sexual relationships and good luck to anyone having fun likethese guys do.
I thinks it's both and male bonding really should not have to be
labeled in any way period!!!
Hey Wolverine, Lee from BW, sounds like a little of both. One they are good friends with girl friends and a wife. They are making money since they were laid off, and the sex, well like the old says, "If it feels good do it" The guys seem to get some pleasure from their encounters, they are making money and the females don't seem to mind. So what is wrong with having a good time with your best friend and getting paid for it. In todays world of metrosexuals who is to say what is Str8 or gay. Lot of married men with children are having sex with other men. Just who the heck are the moral police and what right do they have to pass judgement on anyone else. I have found those who preach morality are the ones who break the rules the most.Sounds like something I should I look into. LOL
Since when are we so afraid of words? Are we so dishonest with ourselves that we can't admit our interests in this day and age? Labels are not evil. They are there to assist understanding of each other. If you are curious about sex with someone of the same gender while also liking sex with the opposite gender, you are bi-curious. If you have enjoyed the company of both genders, and plan to continue to do so, you are bisexual,. If you prefer to be exclusively with only one gender, you are straight or gay. Either way, there's no reason to hide behind this "no labels" bs.
I'm not much for labels either since it's just a way to divide people. Men have always engaged in a wide range of sexual activities even before they were classified and prefixed accordingly. As men it's also easy to rationalize behaviors sexual or otherwise; there's a time for killing and a time for sex, etc.Women seem to be wired differently and attach emotional value in ways men don't. So they may be cool with this for now, butthat may shift to be replaced by feelings of jealousy, anger, abandonment, etc., all be amplified exponentially with post-partum hormones. That was a key factor in my breakup and there was no outside sex involved. So all I can say is good luck!
Yes you can. You can have sex eith a man and still be straight. That is because the body likes sensations and pleasure. It doesnt matter where who or what causes it. The body just likes it. As for the penis inside him, that is kind of a common thing inbetween straight/bi to gay/bi people. (Or in any order) For most heterosexual couples, they use a dildo or a strap on wich the act is called pegging. Having anal stimulation from behind is totally normal. That is because the male g-spot is the prostate, wich is also called the p-spot. The prostate is behind underneath the penis, wich can only get stimulating by inserting a finger from behind. Other people like getting rimming-the act of kissing or licking someones butthole.And that is because there are lots(sensible) nerves around it.Some guys loves it, some guys dont.
Some girls like to watch their partner (male) get with another man. Its like a guilty pleasure.Even though its not the right thing to do, people such as Doctors and professionals say its ok to do it as long as you protect yourself with a condom . Lots of Gay porn stars are actually straight and doing gay porn just for money. They are called gay for pay .Back to being straight and being with another dude, yes you could do that. Just be careful for what others say. They think is gay, they might try to convince you that you are gay but only you will know.
No labels at all, however I'm happy to be with my male partner, which makes me whatever one thinks and we don't care about it. We are happy and this is what counts. We are who we are after all.
Hey Guys, So i'm surfing a cam site called chaturbate. Which i find fun to watch amateurcouples going at it. Somehow i bumped into these two straight buddies.I decided to watch a little and from the conversations being had along withtheir info sheet. So basically they're story is, there's these two best friends, who have been loggersin canada for the years. They god laid off a few months ago and we're having a hardtime making ends meet. One of the guys moved into to his married buddy's house,and is renting their guest room. So this is where it gets good: Somehow the buddy that moved in, found outabout how to make some extra cash through doing shows on cam with his buddy.They started out with just mutual masturbation but started making more and moremoney and so basically they go all the way now. ( .. and i mean *all* the way,saw it for myself last night) The wife of one of the guy's knows everything is in complete support. The other buddy'sgirlfriend knows too and also has no problem with it. i identify as straight but even i foundmyself somewhat aroused by how close they were bonding. I mean they body language was definitelyof just buddies hanging out and bonding, but when they start kissing... it didn't look forced or romanticbut rather it looked like two close buddies sharing themselves with each other. One of the people there asked the receiver guy how he still consider himself straight afterhe just had a penis inside him. He explained that he enjoys the feeling of a dildo and hasbeen using one for years, so for him its just about sensation, he is not sexually turned on by his buddy.However, since his wife had been pregnant he wasn't getting any sex so they figured out they couldmake money while both "helped" each other out The reason i want to share this with you guys, is even though i know what i think about this, i wanted toget your thoughts about the two straight buddies who have sex with each other but still identify as straight.( not about the topic itself ) Is it possible to be heterosexual and have a sexual relationship with a close friend of the same gender? Or Gayand have a sexual relationship with someone from the opposing gender.? Do you believe its more about themale bonding emotional connection these two share? or is it just about the money? What do you guys think?
I think OF COURSE they can. I'm gay. Really gay. In the unlikely (but possible, because anything's possible unless you're totally closed off to it) event that I were to have sex with a woman tonight, I would still wake-up tomorrow and identify as gay. And that's not because I'm shying away from the bisexual label, it's because being gay is more complex and involves more components of my identity than just who I have sex with. So if that's true for me, it seems the corollary must be true for straight men as well. We can identify as something (or refuse to identify as anything) and I don't think our identity needs to be re-branded by specific set of interactions that are outside of what was typical/expected for the label.