Male Bonding2

For those who like to explore the concept and dynamics of male bonding. Men are socialized in different ways in different societies, and so many men would like to have close male friendships, yet after spending time establishing a career, primary relationship and live in general, find themselves without close male friends. Many of us want male friends with whom we can share openly without...

Weekend Massage for naked Men in France 2016

like to organise weekend for sportive naked men.... in France : .. possible the join the naked workshop massage 3-6 of june, 12-15 of august and 7-10 of octobre Aristos and Guerit naked resort chateau...

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Piercing experiences

So I thought I would share my piercing experience with you guys, maybe some of you have some questions about them, and maybe some of you have some piercing stories to share. I finally got my PA done! I had been wanting to do it for years and just...

Nude hike, Germany, July?

Hey peeps,there are two official nudist hiking trails in Germany I'd like to visit this summer, camping in an FKK-camp, and maybe even to find some lakes for skinny dipping and sunbathing at. 4-5 days, lots of fun (and please do check out my...

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Resonate festival 12.04.-16.04. & Belgrade...

Anyone participating Belgrade marathon on 16.04. or going to resonate festival 12.04.-16.04.2016? to Belgrade

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choose the ultimate weekend

First off this is not a sexual fantasy. This is just a weekend of hanging out, no clothes allowed time to bond. What other 5 guys would you like to have join you for a naked weekend to share and get to know one another better ? And where would you...


Hi there. I will be traveling to Sydney Australia on Monday and I will be there for three weeks. Was wondering if anyone would like to meet up or know of any awesome nude beaches. Hit me up or send me a skype request phoenician1978 for a chat

Paris and Berlin

I know it's cold, but I will be in Paris day and night of 18 Feb and then in Berlin day and nights of 19 and 20 Feb and return to Paris nights of Feb 21 until morning of Feb 23. If anyone would like to hang out nude or just have a coffee or...

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Barber and men's waxing

Hi guys. Those interested & local I have opened my own barbershop and offer all aspects of men's grooming including clipper contouring (trimming) and all aspects of men's waxing including intimate waxing. It's in Newark Nottinghamshire...

Nudist cruises

Just wondered if anyone in this group has been on Nudist cruise and how it went. Any opportunities to get with fellow male nudists or planned activities?

Belgrade 31.01.-03.02.2016.

Host available for naturists/naked at home/naked sleepers willing for relaxed male bonding in Belgrade 31.01.-03.02.2016. one person max (shared bed in bedroom, or a smaller sofa in living room-smoking area) PM me for info

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