Male Bonding2
For those who like to explore the concept and dynamics of male bonding. Men are socialized in different ways in different societies, and so many men would like to have close male friendships, yet after spending time establishing a career, primary relationship and live in general, find themselves without close male friends. Many of us want male friends with whom we can share openly without...
Just seeing if anyone wants to hang out nude my only problem is cant host
Wake up people!I just found this interesting video online today that I couldn't help but share. Just listen to the message--the body is not a crime, it's nothing to be ashamed of! This is a message I think the whole world needs to hear.Watch...
Ever want to be on the reality show dating naked? Here's your chance to all you single bros out there!
Hey guys !Just did new video ...releaxing at home : Stay Tuned :
Really in need of some naked bonding time with some bros here in my area of the country...preferably my age but older is okay. Anyone okay with it, just friend me on here Hope you all are having a great naked evening/night
There was discussion about this before, but a previous thread is making me ask this question: Men touching: How far is everyone okay with? The thread that made me ask this question was the one where men talk about giving each other mutual oral sex...
I really enjoy how free the men in this group are. It's really inspiring and encouraging. There's things people have done with each other that I would have never even thought of doing before before joining this group. Only thing is where Im...
Initially I felt a bit squeamish about discussing this topic, but after I readcomments from this group about mutual masturbation and mutual oral sex, I think I can proceed. LOL So I believe I can openly and without shame discuss my feelings with...
I'm in Central NY and have been camping around the state all summer alone. Wondering if Anyone would like to join me for a trip or two? Going to Lake George Sept 11th and Then Hershey PA Sept 17, More after that.