Male Bonding2

For those who like to explore the concept and dynamics of male bonding. Men are socialized in different ways in different societies, and so many men would like to have close male friendships, yet after spending time establishing a career, primary relationship and live in general, find themselves without close male friends. Many of us want male friends with whom we can share openly without...

darn gravel road

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A high school friend who I used to skinny dip with was back in town this week to pick up his new car. He wanted to re-connect and I told him I would have him over for lunch and a soak. But when he found out that I live a half mile down a gravel road he refused to meet here. We met at a local nice restaurant and then took his new 2020 Corvette for a spin. Gee I don't know why he did not want to drive it down my road.

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RE:darn gravel road

So sad. All a question of priorities. Unfortunately, How often does a car become the most important thing in some peoples lives.

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RE:darn gravel road

Well, he did decide to buy a most impractical car. If I can't drive down sandy tracks, or along gravel and dirt roads, then the car just isn't suitable for me.
Besides, if it was only half a mile, he should have parked at the start of the driveway and walked the 800 metres. It's not that far.

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RE:darn gravel road

I agree with both comments.
I can understand the car if he really wanted it, but he could have driven slowly to not flick up gravel to possible paint chips, or as Jorgerine said, just park it and walk down.
The prospect of the private catch up and soak would have been great.

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RE:darn gravel road

I agree with both comments.I can understand the car if he really wanted it, but he could have driven slowly to not flick up gravel to possible paint chips, or as Jorgerine said, just park it and walk down.The prospect of the private catch up and soak would have been great.

Agree with comments. Catch up good suggestion.

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RE:darn gravel road

It appears none of you gentlemen are hard core car guys. Wanting to prevent stone chips on a new Corvette makes perfect sense. Great that you were able to connect and have a visit. Agreed a half mile walk is not that far but one doesnt leave a new Corvette parked on the side of a roadway unattended. I hope you have forgiven your friend for not wanting to possibly damage his new corvette. It isnt every day one drops that kind of money on a car. As for the impracticality of the car... oh yes. But one doesnt buy a corvette for practicality. One buys it for its amazing 0-60 mph performance in less than four seconds, for the superb handling, or... in the case of many guys, they buy it as part of their midlife crisis. They do say a Corvette is a penis extender for some less endowed guys. Ive had two of them and for the record, I have driven them on gravel roads. Please dont be mad at we irrational car guys.

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RE:darn gravel road

I understand your friends position. For many folks getting such an expensive sports car fulfills a lifelong dream. My best friend has one and is very careful when and where he drives it. Just as a rough comparison. how does someone feel getting a new vehicle and seeing the first parking lot scratch on the first day they drove it. I'd say be gentle with your friend. No sense to risk a good friendship over this issue.

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