Male Bonding2

For those who like to explore the concept and dynamics of male bonding. Men are socialized in different ways in different societies, and so many men would like to have close male friendships, yet after spending time establishing a career, primary relationship and live in general, find themselves without close male friends. Many of us want male friends with whom we can share openly without...

Do any guys out there have or have had roommates that you are totally comfortable being yourself around? From being nude , to leaving the bathroom door open while you do your business , to continuing to jack off even if they walk in on you, or just start jacking if the mood hits you while watching tv together?
I have had a couple of roomies who i have been comfortable nude around, mostly in college. One long time one who rarely saw me in the buff, one traveling one who i inspired him to go nude in the room, and one in my home who was totally uncomfortable with me nude around him, he moved after 6 weeks of me putting up with his dozens of quirks. But i have never had one who I acted totally like i do when home alone.
Just curious to see what other guys have experienced

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RE: Roommates

I have had two such roommates. One was a guy and we were totally open with each other. The other was a m/f couple, also totally open around each other. Unfortunately the couple didn't work out. The guy was a lazy loser who I had to kick out and he eventually ended up murdering the lady. Very sad loss as she was one of the greatest souls anyone could ever hope to meet.

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RE: Roommates

I had a couple of roommates through college that I told I was a nudist before they moved in, and they were fine with it, even eventuallyjoined me in living naked (especially once they realizedfor infrequently I did laundry). It was pretty open in terms of both of usliving nude, bathroom door very seldom closed, even a couple of times ofcatching each othermasturbating and not stopping. Even caught each other having sex with a "date". Never quite got thepoint ofjust starting to jack off while the other was just sitting there, though. It was wonderful to have that level of comfort, trust and "natural attitude" with a roommate, though!!! If I wasn't in a LTR, I wouldn't mindsharing a house with 2-3 guys if thosesame rules and comfort level was there! Guys just living life naturally.

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RE: Roommates

I think it would be fantastic to have a couple roommates to share that kind of open experience with!

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RE: Roommates

I have a room available in my apt. as of Oct. 1 for just that kind of roommate and/or situation... anybody interested?

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RE: Roommates

Well I just got into my first ever living situation with room mates on July 31st. I'm the only nudist. On moving day, my nudist friend put together my IKEA bed while we unloaded boxes and stuff - 100% naked. Nothing like putting IKEA together in the nude! After I got the big stuff taken care of I got naked too. One of the room mates (I'll call him Steve) saw us with another room mate (Bob) just chatting as my friend finished up with the bed. Kind of took him my surprise.
I clean naked here, lounge in my room naked, go swimming with naked. It doesn't seem to phaze Steve now that I do house cleaning all naked. Why would you do it any other way? The clothes you wear just get dusty, taking a nice shower after cleaning is so much better.
Most other times I am clothed as there are three dogs here and they like to jump on me on the couch. Don't want any special bits being scratched up! There is also a large front window that is wide open so if I were to be nude all the time the neighbors might see more than they want.

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RE: Roommates

One of the best room-mate relationships I had was with a fellow, Marc, whom I told when we first discussed the possibility of living together that I was likely to be naked in the house a lot, and he said, "That's cool." And when we moved in, I was naked a lot; and he was cool with it. The situation began to get interesting when he's bring friends home with him, both men and women: and I was still naked, and my being naked was still cool.
Wouldn't mind that shared living arrangement now!
"Naked Badger"

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RE: Roommates

No roommate - but over the years several travel mates for shorter or longer travels to near and far. Both male and female. Some have been nudists - some have not. Regardless - I am often naked in the hotel room with them and always naked in bed. I have always told everyone about my habits in advance - so never any surprises. All have declared that they are OK with it and there has never been any issues. Several of the non-nudists have begun to relax their own dress code after a few days - a few have begun to remove all there clothes and have stopped locking the bathroom door ...

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RE: Roommates

When i was in college in Rochester New york, I had a roomate who used to go around naked, he was gorgeous, we did watch porn one day and he was gyrating and I said pull it out and I pulled mine out and we started wanking, jacking whatever you want to call it. He got a bit uncomfortable because i got turned on by him and he went to his room to finish off. We were usually naked around each other and his girlfriend. We even massaged each other naked with raging hardons. Definitely there was a sexual attraction and tension between us but we never took it to the next level. Two of of our other roomates used to watch me and want to see me naked but I never got to see them naked.
When I graduated I lived with a guy and we were comfortable being naked to the point where i even saw some of his bed partners naked. For me if i'm in my home i'm going to be comfortale and if someone is prudish w'e're definitely not going to get on. I think you should be comfortable in your own surrounds.

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RE: Roommates

My best friend and I were roommates for a few years. He always knew I was a nudist and had seen me naked and many time, I had not seen him naked just in his briefs. When we moved in together I asked him if he was ok with me being naked at home and he said he was cool with it. It wasn't long before he was walking around naked as well and that's when we just were very open with everything. We'd openly masturbate, use the bathroom, shower there really wasn't anything we did privately but sleep. Those were fun days and we still reminisce about those days when we talk.

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RE: Roommates

The only true roommate I ever had was in a dorm as a freshman in college. We hared a room with 2 beds and a bathroom. We were randomly assigned a room together so we didn't know each other. On the first day I told him I slept naked and preferred to be naked when hanging out in the room so I hoped he was cool with it. I think the way I presented it he was afraid to say no. I never closed the bathroom door and pretty much was naked when the hall door was closed. I woke up with boner all the time (of course, I was 18 years old!). I never masturbated directly in front of him but I did in the shower so if he came in the bathroom to use the sink or toilet, he saw me. Occasionally I would jerk off at night in bed. Sometimes he would have friends over to watch TV and I'd get out of the shower and dry off in front of them and just sit on my bed naked, often hard. I think he must have warned them because they never really said anything. We really didn't have much in common and never did anything together. He would close the bathroom door when he did his "business" but if he was in the shower or brushing his teeth, I'd still walk in and do what I needed to do. Overall he was totally cool with my lifestyle but with the exception of him taking a shower, he was never without his white briefs.

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