Male Erection Acceptance Group
A group for men and women who accept that men sometimes get erections and they cannot be helped. This isn't a sign of sexual attraction but a natural thing. Requirements to join!! MUST BE CERTIFIED Absolutely "NO" Private, Or "This user only allows picture/video access to friends," Blank or Empty profiles. Must have at least 2 full frontal nude photos including your face....
Are Boners Contagious?
Return to DiscussionsBeen randomly speaking about this subject the last few days and seems to be an interest in discussion, so here it is. Do you think erections are contagious like a yawn? Im not talking about self pleasure hard ons. Im talking about say at a beach or nudist venue and you are doing your thing and you look over and theres a semi or erect penis, and yours starts to grow hands free. Ill be the first to say that happens to me all the time; like a yawn soon I am pointing straight out or up. What are your thoughts and / or experiences if its happened to you. Also those naysayers who say oh no not me ever, why do you think that is?