Male Nude Models
dedicated to present and past nude models who would like to share their experiences with those that have or would like to model nude.
Do you find there is a de facto age limit?
Return to DiscussionsOf course there is no official age at which one becomes "too old" to model; but in practice, there does seem to be a preference for younger models. This is even more true for photographers' models -- if you can even find a photographer interested in males.
For those of you who have a lot of modeling experience, did you find that there was an age at which you no longer got the gigs?
While I agree with your post, I was once turned down for a job because I looked too young. Adi Nes was looking for someone to portray the drunken Noah, asleep on a Tel Aviv street. I spoke to him about it, but agreed that I didn't look the part.