Male Nude Models

dedicated to present and past nude models who would like to share their experiences with those that have or would like to model nude.

looking for nude male model in NYC

I want to sketch more. form live models and always looking for models here in NYC

Needing Male Models

Hello all! I am starting to take pencil on paper again after several years. I need to work on the male figure so came to you all for help! I would like to get different poses of men in different styles. My preference is non sexual content and at...

pose suggestions

Hi all, I have been a life model over the last few years (with an unwanted break due to Covid) . I seem to have no trouble learning or developing my own gesture/short timed poses. I tend to struggle to find poses challenging for me and interesting...

Nude male for posing

Looking to pose for a group or individuals in central Illinois. Interested get a hold of me

Do you find there is a de facto age limit?

Of course there is no official age at which one becomes "too old" to model; but in practice, there does seem to be a preference for younger models. This is even more true for photographers' models -- if you can even find a photographer...

Houston, Texas

Open to model nude for you or your event possible too - Open to poseing or modeling or photgraphy or figure drawings added - Just reach out

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Need a model in Durham, NC, USA

If you're interested in modeling for an intermediate level artist - whether you're experienced or not - please let me know. I'm in Durham NC and prefer not to drive very far. I have a large room in my house which would be ideal, plenty...

looking for models in NYC or also I could do...

Love sketching but now its become impossible to find models nd a bit unsafe so I use pics I ca find online from modeling sites but would love to get new poses or challenges

Im open for propos

naked hello from poland. Im open for all proposy

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Open model

Have been modeling for various art classes for about a 2 years or so. Been a bit off and on this past year for the obvious reasons. Open to all media types classroom or solo, opportunities in Oregon please dont hesitate to send an inquiry

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