Manscaping & Male Grooming

The modern man should take pride in his appearance. This group is dedicated to educating the modern male nudist on how to tend to such matters as manscaping and general male maintenance. The aim is for this group to be the No. 1 destination for all of your male grooming questions. Come share your hints, tips and how-to's as well as posting your creations. The group is for guys by guys but...

It was a friend that first told me that I should start shaving.

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I still remember when a friend told me I should shave my dick. We were lifeguards and he was my manager and of course a little bit older than me. As lifeguards it was normal for us to casually shower naked together.

One day we were taking a shower together and I was telling him that I had a date with a woman we both knew. I was asking him for suggestions on where I should take her and whatnot. Then he just came out and told me that what I needed to do was shave my dick.

Thinking back I still can't believe how casual he was about it. How chill and non-sexual it was for him to give me advice about my dick.

He told me that I should shave my dick just to be prepared if things got sexual. He pointed at my dick and said that it looks unkempt and how the hair made my dick look smaller. Then he told me to look at how much nicer, bigger, and cleaner his dick looked compared to mine because it was shaved. His dick was longer than mine but I had to admit that being shaved made it look cleaner too. He said that I'll be more likely to get a blow job if I shaved. I never thought it before but I told him he was right and that his dick did look cleaner than mine because it was shaved. Yes I told him that. I also asked him if I could get cut and he gave me some advice on how to shave it.

After that I went and shaved like he said before the date. Even though the date didn't go that far I was ready in case it did.

The next time we showered together he noticed that I took his advice and said how much cleaner it looked. He asked how the date went too. I told him that it's been itching since I shaved and if that was normal. He said it would go away and I've been shaving regularly ever since.

I still remember that as one of my fondest nudist experiences. Because never have I had another guy give me advice like that and compare dicks without it being weird or having any sexual intentions. Really miss that because I don't think I can be that open with a male friend without him or even me taking it the wrong way. Especially not these days.

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RE:It was a friend that first told me that I should start shaving.

That is a great story!! You're right, that would never happen these days ! Men rarely shower together any more. Glad you got some good advise from an experienced older guy.

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RE:It was a friend that first told me that I should start shaving.

Yeah things were definitely different being a swimmer in the early 2000's. I can't imagine someone saying that today. But I did appreciate his advice. If a girl had to tell me it probably would have hurt my feelings.

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RE:It was a friend that first told me that I should start shaving.

Nice to have someone like that around !
Most people, especially guys dont want to help. Yes us older guys are trying to teach younger guys how things might make their lives better. We have already made those mistakes. Lol

A family friend told me that her boyfriend shaved and how she liked it better that way. I started thinking about it and yeah I tried it and never went back to hair. So here is some more advice. Getting a Brazilian wax is so much nicer than shaving. After one day of shaving you get the five oclock shadow. Week or more from waxing and even then it comes back thinner. Yes lasering is the next step. I have not tried that or the chemical solution for hair growth yet. But then I have hair everywhere. Lol

But I am amazed at how lucky some guys are not to have this much hair. So I trim my body hair and get a Brazilian.

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