Married Men With Non Nude Wives
lots of men will understand this how do we make our wives understand us
Return to DiscussionsI just joined this group. I am a married nudist, who just doesn't have enough opportunity to hang out with nudist friends. And it is an important part of being friends that we be able to hang out without any expectations than friendship.
- 12 years ago
Hello, Glad you joined the group.
- 12 years ago
Welcome gle. You are certainly among like company here. The first summer I became a ndist my wife seemed okay with the fact I enjoyed going clothes-free. However, things changed and I no longer have the freedom I enjoyed then. I certainly don't have the freedom to hang out nude with others as much as I'd like. Jim
- 12 years ago
Hi: I grew up nudist but wife was pretty specific on where she would be nude
- 12 years ago
At least your wife will be nude in other parts of the world. Enjoy that and let her take her time to relax with it at home
- 12 years ago
Hi, Im Jim from Las Vegas, Nevada. Im the husband of a non-nudist wife. I became a nudist approximately 13 years ago at age 61, so late in life. Before I was a committed textile but discovered I enjoyed nude sunbathing when I had the privacy to do so. We were empty nesters at the time and so I was nude at home, including the back yard every possible moment. Unfortunately, my wife never joined me but didnt join me.
Fast forward to Fall 2011 when our daughter blessed us with a granddaughter. She and the baby stayed with us during her recovery from childbirth then went back to try to live with the babys father but it only lasted about six weeks until they returned to live with us and have been here ever since. Consequently, my nudist freedom has been curbed ever since. Im now a closet nudist living with three non-nudust females. My only opportunities for nudity are to sleep and bathe or if home alone. There are rare opportunities when only our daughter and I alone where I may be nude in her presence and she doesnt act as if repulsed or offended but doesnt linger in my presence either.
I very much wish our home was at least clothing-optional but realize my wife will never accept it nor will our daughter in our granddaughters presence.
- 7 months ago
Hi, Im Jim from Las Vegas, Nevada. Im the husband of a non-nudist wife. I became a nudist approximately 13 years ago at age 61, so late in life. Before I was a committed textile but discovered I enjoyed nude sunbathing when I had the privacy to do so. We were empty nesters at the time and so I was nude at home, including the back yard every possible moment. Unfortunately, my wife never joined me but didnt join me.
Fast forward to Fall 2011 when our daughter blessed us with a granddaughter. She and the baby stayed with us during her recovery from childbirth then went back to try to live with the babys father but it only lasted about six weeks until they returned to live with us and have been here ever since. Consequently, my nudist freedom has been curbed ever since. Im now a closet nudist living with three non-nudust females. My only opportunities for nudity are to sleep and bathe or if home alone. There are rare opportunities when only our daughter and I alone where I may be nude in her presence and she doesnt act as if repulsed or offended but doesnt linger in my presence either.
I very much wish our home was at least clothing-optional but realize my wife will never accept it nor will our daughter in our granddaughters presence.
- 7 months ago
It takes a visit to a clothing optional beach or a clothing optional resort to convince a wife to become a nudist. One visit worked for me. Being the only woman wearing clothes was all that it took. It is worth a try.
- 7 months ago
It takes a visit to a clothing optional beach or a clothing optional resort to convince a wife to become a nudist. One visit worked for me. Being the only woman wearing clothes was all that it took. It is worth a try.
- 7 months ago
It takes a visit to a clothing optional beach or a clothing optional resort to convince a wife to become a nudist. One visit worked for me. Being the only woman wearing clothes was all that it took. It is worth a try.
- 7 months ago