Married Men With Non Nude Wives
lots of men will understand this how do we make our wives understand us
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HI i would love to meet up with fellow home nudists. My wife is not a fan of nudism to say the least so can only be naked when she is out. Are there any others local in the same position if so i would love to meet you to see if we could come to...
I need the freedom and relaxing feeling of being outside in nature without clothes. My wife thinks its crazy, and is much more private. If I could plan a vacation to a clothing optional resort without her realizing its clothing optional, maybe...
HI i would love to meet up with fellow home nudists. My wife is not a fan of nudism to say the least so can only be naked when she is out. Are there any others local in the same position if so i would love to meet you to see if we could come to some...
If you were to actually READ my entire profile (who does?) you'd find that my darling wife of 47+ years is not a 'non', but rather a limited nudist. She's hardly ever naked around the house whereas I am every chance I get, and I...
I can never get beyond describing the experience as merely a sense of "freedom" or "exhilaration". But it always seems to be interpreted as coming from a place of sexual gratification. I'd like to know how others would...
I'm not married in the legal sense of the term but I'm tied up and coupled and committed and involved to the extent that I might as well be married. Long story. And a little bit complicated. Anyhow, my girlfriend is fine with me being nudist...
So we have a ski condo in Vermont. Been going there for many years. For a long time I've been wandering nude around the backyard while she is out skiing. She doesn't know this. She's been tolerating my nudity in the house for a while but...
Tired of no intamcy, no affection. And sneaking arriubd too be nude
First of all, hello to everyone. So I'm new here as well as to nudism. I live with my fiance who says she grew up around nudist camps in Florida. However, whenever I bring up the subject of going to a nudist camp or beach, she gets evasive, but...