Married Men With Non Nude Wives

lots of men will understand this how do we make our wives understand us

So, does anyone here do the cfnm with their wives such as in couples together with the guys nude?
How does it work for you?

Ever plan get togethers knowing this is how it was going to be?

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My wife does not understand why I enjoy being nude and gives me grief about it, so I go nude while she is at work. I am retired now and can enjoy my nude time during the weekdays.Just stay nude Jim, even when she get's home. Tell her she should get used to it, as it's nothing she hasn't seen before. If you have a bunch of things already done for her that she usually does, when she get's home, maybe she will be a little more accepting of it. Like have all the laundry done and supper ready, so she doesn't have to cook. Unless she is a lot better cook than you are.Try to give her some grief back every time you have to put some clothes on, to even out the grief she tries to give you for wanting to be with out them. Maybe that will help level the playing field.

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Sorry for resurrecting an old thread, but, I also fit into this category.

Wife will not go nude at home, but does allow me to be nude. Suits me fine as I get my nude time :) very much doubt we'd ever meet up with a similar couple, as a couple, but great to hear there are others like us

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There are many in "your boat." I think in fact many here on the site are married-singles or "mingles," meaning only one of the married couples are happy to be nude whenever they possibly can. Some of us will never be nude with someone else but most will be able to share it some times. And, some of us have friends who are also mingles and on occasion are able to share our love of nudity as two or more couples where only one of the partners will join which is a shame but if you don't act like an exhibitionist who forces your nudity on a person who does not like it then it can be fun. Maybe in the future this could lead to all enjoying nudity. Hope this happens for you.

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Last summer on kind of a dare I went skinny dipping in my wifes nieces pool . I was the only one but she came out a few times to see if i wanted anything , I was out on the deck one time she came out and we talked the hole time I was nude

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Same, same and not different here. Nude in my back yard often last summer, my wife puts up with it, shows annoyance some times. She got naked once on a hot night with a few wines on board. Got nude at the beach when we were first married a couple of times but not since then. She just says why bother or thinks she does not look good but she really does for 50+.

I think the media have a lot to answer for in terms of what they push as beauty as well as the crazy focus on plastic surgery .

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That's been the case with both my ex and current wife.

With my ex, the first couple of years living together were NHCW (Naked husband clothed wife). At first, she wasn't too happy about me always being naked at home. But I persisted, and in time she just stopped complaining. So it was common for us to spend evenings together, her fully dressed and me naked.
In time I managed to convince her to visit a nudist resort with me. The first few trips, it was again me naked and her covered (sarong, T-shirt or dress). Sure, I would have preferred her to be naked; but the way I looked at it: it was better than nothing. We even attended a nudist get-together/party NHCW. Thankfully, other nudists were pretty respectful of her desire to stay covered.
In time though, she started feeling self-conscious about always being covered up while I - and most other people - were naked. She would make "little attempts" at being less covered: like choosing to put on a T-shirt and nothing else; or loosely wearing her sarong with just one knot tied. Until one day when some nudist women convinced her to just "lose the sarong."

It was almost the same with my current wife. Except it was more NHTW (naked husband topless wife). She has no problem being topless; but not completely naked. That might be changing soon though as she has agreed to go to a nudist resort.

My attitude about NHCW or CFNM is that: it's better than nothing. If your spouse accepts your nudity, then you can still enjoy a clothesfree lifestyle. And in time, there's always hope that she will eventually join you.

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Sounds like your current wife is about halfway there nudony. Don't push it, just let it happen.

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Normal situation when my wife and I are home and no one else is. I am usually nude in warm weather and she rarely is. She will sometimes wear a long t shirt that goes to mid thigh or so and nothing else.

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My wife knows i am nude whenever she is out as well as when she is at home when I can. She calls me when she is on her way home with the kids or if someone is coming over. A couple of her friends have accidentally seen me when i wasn't aware they were coming over or got there too soon.

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