Married Men With Non Nude Wives
lots of men will understand this how do we make our wives understand us
I am wondering as who is in charge of this group as the person who created the group has not loges on in 7 years
My gf will attend nude resorts and beaches but around the house only bottomless for a few minutes once or twice a week. I spend all my home time either totally naked or bottomless. Her only comments are reminding me to put pants on when taking out...
I am a closet nudist who wants very bad too find a women or man the we can be nude. Exercise in the nude and just be friends. Or maybe a relationship with a women
So, does anyone here do the cfnm with their wives such as in couples together with the guys nude? How does it work for you? Ever plan get togethers knowing this is how it was going to be?
This point was brought up on another group/thread, and I wanted to move it to a more appropriate group. How do you help your wife to get over the fear of trying nudism because she is worried of her body being judged by others?
I have posted this in another group but think it very appropriate to post here as a lesson for many others maybe. My wife doesn't care to participate in nudity but had "caught" me nude out on the balcony of our cruise ship a few times...
I'm a bisexual man with a male partner of 10 years who is more conservative than ANY woman I ever dated. I can't even get him to go nude at home. Am I welcome here?
New guy to the group and site. Im pretty much limited to around home nudity, mostly when wife isnt here. She is so uncomfortable with casual non-sexual nudity even when it is just us that barely tolerates when Im nude, so I dont do it nearly as...
I have approached my wife several times hoping she will try nudism and she refuses to even try it. Even when we are the only people around she refuses to go naked outside. If I go to a resort by myself. would I be a total shit or do you think it...
Does anyone know if Bell Acres Resort in Georgia allows married men to visit without their spouse? I remember reading a post about that a while back but now I can't find the post