Married Men With Non Nude Wives

lots of men will understand this how do we make our wives understand us

Understanding Wife

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Wife: Did you have anything planned for tomorrow?
Me: Not really. I was going to catch up on things at home. I was going to take advantage of the unseasonably warm weather and stay nude most of the day. Why do you ask?
Wife: I was going to have a friend over but I will go to her place instead.

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RE:Understanding Wife

Nice to have understanding wifeMy wife dont have any problem with me being naked or naked in the backyard or in the pool and have a good wifes

My wife doesn't have a problem with me being nude unless we have company. She is also OK with me swimming and sunning nude if she has company in the house as long as the back curtains are closed.

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RE:Understanding Wife

Very niceIm hoping to extend fencing to encompass entire back yard have lot and half in city with building on part of it but nice back area to occasionally be secluded from onlookers

I suggested when we got the privacy fence that we enclose the entire back and side yards. but my usually understanding wife vetoed the idea.
The main other area is when I want to drive nude when she is in the car.

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RE:Understanding Wife

Pre-marriage and early marriage (pre-kids) my late wife would be topless with me at CO beaches, pretty much always kept a small bikini bottom on but was happy for me to be nude, she indulged me. Fast forward 30 years and she helped me plant out our yard with screening plants for privacy in our yard. She would join me clothed for a G&T on a warm summer evening while I may have a beer, she would remain clothed. Had a woman neighbour drop in one hot summer evening, I was nude, my wife just had short shorts & singlet top on, she answered the gate, as she approached she called out and asked if I had put something on, I said no and asked why, she said Wendy was with her, they just kept coming. They sat down, we had another drink and just talked. I thought that was an understanding wife.

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RE:Understanding Wife

My wife doesn't have a problem with me being nude unless we have company. She is also OK with me swimming and sunning nude if she has company in the house as long as the back curtains are closed.

That was my situation for almost 10 years. No problem whatsoever. Until one day it was a problem. I shrugged it off and complied and thought it was a one off. But it only got worse. Long story short, within a few months we had split and haven't spoken since. She simply put her foot down and refused to compromise. So now I spend most of my time nude indoors, outdoors, day and night. That part is great. But being alone all the time is not all that great. I don't miss the daily brow beatings and the extra money at the end of the budget is kinda nice. So overall, I'm feeling better off...... most of the time.

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RE:Understanding Wife

Did she ever tell you what changed her?
Short answer is no but it was complicated. I know at least that. But I'll be fine. I hope she will be too.

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RE:Understanding Wife

My wife does not have a problem with me being nude but will not join me nude. She does not hate nudity it is she fears she does not look good naked. At 70 she as HOT as the day I met her if not more beautiful. She fears that because of our age difference I my not like her. Dispite all my word and actions of reassurance over 27 yrs I have yet to convince her to join me naked. I never give up hope and wish i had other couoles or females that would be friends and show her that nudity is not about sex it is a feeling of freedom, peace, confidence, and pride. By not caring what others thing and take control of your own happiness and relax and enjoy life as God made you nude and beautiful.

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RE:Understanding Wife

My late wife loved I liked to be naked. It started on a holiday with a dare from her to go nude on the hotel beach. She loved the other guests saw me and did wonders for our sex life!
When we returned home I continued my rediscovered love of nudism and she was never concerned if neighbours or family members saw me, indeed she rather enjoyed it.

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