Maslin Beach (Australia)

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well, since my last post, I've been back to Maslin's a few times. On the weekend before Christmas, I went one late afternoon as it was particularly hot. I prefer to go when the sun is on the wane - not interested in sunbaking, just swimming and walking. It was so nice to see a young group near me, perhaps early 20's? Anyway, there was maybe ten, both men and women, just enjoying the beach, playing some games and goofing around, just like we did at the same age. Only difference was no bathers (local vernacular for swimsuits). It made a nice change from the usual folk of my age.

I'd been discussing my frequenting of the beach with my lady friend for some time. She had baulked at going to a 'nudist beach' until I told her it was clothing optional, and she could remain clothed. So she happily joined me there on Christmas evening, her in her bathers and me without. We swam and walked the length of the beach together, and she is starting to get used to the concept. Her greatest fear was realised on the way there - she encountered a woman she knew walking back from the unclad section. They chatted and the other lady remarked on the bathers, but my friend was a little more comfortable after the chat.

I've now returned from an early morning swim. My home town had a storm last night and I woke early. As I now sleep naked, I was a bit stir-crazy inside the house and as it was quite warm I decided to head to the beach at about 6:30. I must admit it was fantastic to have the beach to myself, although it was quite windy and the sea was rough. It was still warm enough at about 22 deg C, and I walked two full lengths of the unclad section (and perhaps ventured a bit further :)) and even ran a bit. I was eventually joined by another man on the 2 km expanse, and although he didn't want to chat we exchanged greetings and left each to our own. I ventured into the surf to test for a rip - none there, but the waves were powerful and I was envigorated by fighting nature in its own environment. When I eventually left, I certainly felt alive and was determined to go for another early morning swim soon!

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