Massage Exchange US
People that like to give and get massages.
any masseurs in SLC
Return to DiscussionsI'm posing for an art school several times a week for 3 hours at a time over the next month. I think a massage could be beneficial after some of these sessions. 25 minutes holding a pose, then a 5 minute break X6. Looking for massage exchange
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- a year ago
RE:any masseurs in SLC
I haven't found any in Slc yet Karl that will do it nude. But I'm sure there are some, you just have to keep looking.
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- a year ago
RE:any masseurs in SLC
thought it might be worth a shot to inquire here. I've chatted with someone before who suggested exchanging massages, was hoping he would see this and respond . I was so stiff after yesterdays session--back and shoulder still hurt today
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- a year ago
RE:any masseurs in SLC
and I'm still looking
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- 9 months ago
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