Massage Exchange US
People that like to give and get massages.
DC area early April
Return to DiscussionsAny recommendations on finding a good massage in the Washing DC area? Ill be there April 8-14th for a comedy festival. Driving up from Florida, so I will be sore.
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- a year ago
RE:DC area early April
Go to Spa World and just relax after a long driver in the baths and sauna. It is in Centerville so it's an easy drive from DC. Charlie 240-731-8307 was my therapist for years until we moved west. He is great! Enjoy the city I miss it!
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- a year ago
RE:DC area early April
Spa World really is great, they offer body scrubs and shiatsu massages in the mens went room area. Big jetted pool, steam room, sauna, 2 hot tubs.
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- a year ago
RE:DC area early April
You could stop here,,, 2 hours from DC, right on 95
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- a year ago
RE:DC area early April
OR, I can meet you at SpaWorld too!
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- a year ago
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