Melbourne Younger Male Nudists

A group for younger male nudists in melbourne to keep it touch and for networking keeping everyone up to date on what is happening a group were we actully meet up and not just hide behind a pc and chat please send me a friend request if you wish to join group

welcome new members & Merry Christmas everyone

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Hi All Christmas is nearly here! and wasnt yesterday a grat day i spent the day out in the garden taking in the sunshine any members are always welcome to join me keep in touch I live in the northern sububurbs on melbourne all members always welcome to call around for a coffee and a chat be it one on one or as a group now with the warmer weather here (you wouldent think so today) would be good to catch up maby get a group together for a BBQ or a pizza and movie night? Inbox me I also have msn and like to chat to fellow nudies
keep safe everyone and merry christmas!
Cheers Nick

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