Melbourne's Sunnyside Beach Nudists
This group is for Melbourne Nudists who would like to make contact with fellow nudists for friendship and possible meet ups at Sunnyside nude beach.
Who's on for a trip this weekend to Sunnyside. Prefer a mixed crowd. We could socialize and travel together Also ideas on other nude hang outs welcome Dave
Hi all, I'm thinking of driving over to Sunnyside this Thursday, hoping to spend several hours there. If anyone from the group is thinking of going and would like to meet another group member, let me know here, or via pm if were networked....
Hi, me and the wife are heading down to Sunnyside North nude beach on Oz day? Are any other naked people planning to be there?
Anyone going to or who will be at Sunnyside this Wednesday the 22nd wish to meet and say g'day? I'm just looking for some company
HI all,heading down to SS tomorrow (weather permitting), from Templestowe. If anyone interested in meeting or even wants a lift let me know. Alternate suggestions also welcome :)
Sunnyside today? Will be there from about 1pm
Melbourne Nudist Group with about 500 members Melbourne Nudist Group with 500 members Hi All, there is a meetup group which has regular events, if u want to check it out we currently have nearly 500 members!
Anyone heading to sunny side today?? Im hoping to head down around lunch time