Melbourne's Sunnyside Beach Nudists

This group is for Melbourne Nudists who would like to make contact with fellow nudists for friendship and possible meet ups at Sunnyside nude beach.

... down between Cape Paterson and Inverloch, south east of Melbourne

... and the parking is FREE

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RE:The Oaks East

Only drawback is the lack of water access due to the rocks. The rock pool is nice but you have to use the main beach for a proper swim. That can also be deserted but there's a lookout near the carpark at the top of the cliff that takes in most of the main beach except for the western end where some boulders give a visual shield. I once thought I had the main beach to myself and swam and walked nude, only being reminded of the lookout as I returned to my car!

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RE:The Oaks East

One of my favourites thats for sure

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