Men Who Are "Smaller Then Average"
Men Who Are "Smaller then Average"
Small penis
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I have a question regarding penis size: is there a trick to make it look bigger while hanging out in the nude? Im kinda new to nudism and noticed that some guys have much bigger penises and of course that makes me self-conscious. I am wondering if using a cock ring would work or if you have any suggestions. Thanks.
Im small, smaller than you by far. The trick is to just own it and be confident in your own skin. Our bodies are just that, OUR body. The sooner you can start to accept yourself as you are the better and more fun you will have as a nudist! Sure other guys have bigger dicks but it doesnt make them any better or worse for that matter. Is t it amazing how different we all are? Hope that helps a little. Your dick looks perfect just the way it is my friend!
Hello,I have a question regarding penis size: is there a trick to make it look bigger while hanging out in the nude? Im kinda new to nudism and noticed that some guys have much bigger penises and of course that makes me self-conscious. I am wondering if using a cock ring would work or if you have any suggestions. Thanks.
I used to really worry about this too. One, you're not in competition with anyone else and the women and most of the men who notice the penis size display competitions will all tell you the same thing: it's silly and a bit childish. It's not offensive to me but how it makes you and me at one point feel is. Of course it's not just that it's that on top of all kinds of learned ideas about how this penis is the best but this one isn't and all of this is just the world trying to use shame and standards that are completely meaningless to make sure we give up our power our confidence and our masculinity. You have to find the guys who have 9 inches and are obsessed with it being too small. It seems like a joke at first until he's crying about it. Being told that he's huge and being valued only for that aspect made this one man doubt it and see himself as he was and is not. He assumed that they're lying for sex because his experience was being used for that appendage. I had to focus on his emotional experience and how painful it was for him that he believed it was true and therefore any of us who feel that way negatively are suffering the same stigma and the fact that it affects men all sizes tells us. It's not about size. But first a bit of social history. For thousands of years in antiquity from Egypt to Greece to Rome the perfect penis was under average and smaller. 5 inches or less. Because it is was indicative the man was all human and not part beast (they believed big cocks meant grandma had a horsey friend and I'm serious about it just writing it a bit slappy). It was universally understood. There's another reason why that size is preferable to human beings of those statures. The average depth to the cervix from vulva/labia is 5 to 6 inches with 4 being more common than 7. In antiquity shave it by 1 inch. 3 to 5 average because women and men were much smaller. A penis that goes past the cervix for most women is excruciating. Today 7 inches is a penis only 30% of women will be comfortable with. 8 is under 10% and after that the man is bigger than almost any woman's comfort zone.
Most gay men are not interested in anal sex with past 6 inches 7 pushes it. I'm very tall and very worked in so I have no problem with any size but... by far the man who could give me every kind of pain and pleasure in ways that changed each and every time i mean 300 times better than the next guy... 4.5 inches. He could make me scream in agony that was tears of pleasure seconds later. It was inhuman the sex lol. But he understood anatomy. The only nerves in the rectum are at the sphincter until you get to the sigmoid colon and 99% of us don't enjoy that nerve being jazzed. You don't have to ram the prostate to get it vibing. Just hit it with the vibrations. And his size meant he could hit any point on my sphincter at all kinds of angles and intensity. I am excited just writing about it.
So my penis is 1 inch soft nestled in my bush and I am 6'4". My last lover kept telling me that I was sexy as fuck and to stop caring about it very small. I couldn't. Then one day looking for non pornographic nude men for promotional materials I found three twenty something tall lean dark haired sharp featured brown skinned hairy legged and wooly crotched men arm in arm and they all had button glans and they were absolutely gorgeous. I showed him and said how much I wished I looked like those guys. He looked at me and said really? You really wish you looked like them? Cause you do. Exactly. And you're almost 50. The one in the middle really could be your brother (i protested he went from nipples to beard to lips hair chest hair leg hair patterns and relative proportions and I was like ok a bit. We're taught the man in the picture is not us. He's special we're not. We don't get to be in that picture because we have to buy something to make us smell like look like feel like the portrait of dorian grey. We age. The portrait does not. But it is a lie. Always was. always will be.
So I love how small I get now because I think of those men I wanted to be and I am them. Im happy and youthful and confident and not ashamed of me or anyone else. And it might be a bit of a struggle to start and fake it to make it... others don't read looks like confidence as anything but confident because no one is out there challenging the guys who seem like they are the top dogs... kind relaxed confident and uncompetitive. And the very first time you get that extra bit of acknowledged respect because you're projecting confidence and no need to aggressively occupy space it hits you like a jolt. It's real. You get real admiration for even half baked confidence because it makes people feel safe and part of a group. Now if you need to wrap it up and cram metal on (lord knows that I have lol) then go for it. Nothing is wrong with enjoying yourself. But ny advice there is take it not at all seriously because it's just dress up fun. And i can tell you that the regular 5 but 3 hardcore parade penis posers (literally stomp up and down at the waterline twice or thrice strike a pose turning to the crowd wag wiggle lift drop or pulse the semi or more abstract stuff then stomp off to do it in front of more people who are not caring) they get totally ignored and isolated by everyone else. There's a passive aggressive aspect to it that I have less and less enthusiasm for. A truly inspiring male phallic exposure and mutual appreciation brings all men in regardless of anything but the desire to be with. I have moments of weakness and think i should silicone it to 9"by 9" and then look at the present and see what nonsense it is my fantasy. I love my penis. I have definitely room for more love. So do you. So do we all.
My awakening from nudism is that clothes create an artificial barrier our penis and stomach called the waist between. We talk about above and below the waist as a great division. Nudism forces us to ask: what do you mean? Cock and abs are one.
As I see it, every inch above your penis makes your penis look an inch shorter. It's relatively easy to shave off an inch of pubic hair, but how about an inch of abdominal fat? How about it all? Slowly, focused, while building up the muscles underneath? It's not rocket science and amounts to some variation of eating less and exercising more.
People did not evolve over tens of thousands of years to sit; it's an unnatural posture. Comfortable, perhaps; good for us, questionable. Standing or adjustable desks are better if you have a stationary desk job. An ill effect of sitting is weak lower backs which gives us anterior pelvic tilt. Basically that makes your pubic area recessed below your abs, leading your penis to look smaller yet. It's not that our penises are small, it's that they become recessed and hidden under our abs. At the end of the day, a well endowed dude of nine inches can look "smaller" than a well-conditioned man with a two inch nub.
Cock and abs are a package, and nudism help us see them without a waistline. This has been a game changer to me and I've been slowly improving my core strength and overall posture. There's so much to focus on that I have control over that I'm less concerned with my penis size or length that I can't change. At the same time, I feel "bigger" and more confident because my core - from my knees to my rib cage - is more cohesive and dynamic, no waist included. It's been a very slow but real transformation and helps me feel more vitality in life as I edge towards 60. Good luck.
My awakening from nudism is that clothes create an artificial barrier our penis and stomach called the waist between. We talk about above and below the waist as a great division. Nudism forces us to ask: what do you mean? Cock and abs are one.As I see it, every inch above your penis makes your penis look an inch shorter. It's relatively easy to shave off an inch of pubic hair, but how about an inch of abdominal fat? How about it all? Slowly, focused, while building up the muscles underneath? It's not rocket science and amounts to some variation of eating less and exercising more.People did not evolve over tens of thousands of years to sit; it's an unnatural posture. Comfortable, perhaps; good for us, questionable. Standing or adjustable desks are better if you have a stationary desk job. An ill effect of sitting is weak lower backs which gives us anterior pelvic tilt. Basically that makes your pubic area recessed below your abs, leading your penis to look smaller yet. It's not that our penises are small, it's that they become recessed and hidden under our abs. At the end of the day, a well endowed dude of nine inches can look "smaller" than a well-conditioned man with a two inch nub.Cock and abs are a package, and nudism help us see them without a waistline. This has been a game changer to me and I've been slowly improving my core strength and overall posture. There's so much to focus on that I have control over that I'm less concerned with my penis size or length that I can't change. At the same time, I feel "bigger" and more confident because my core - from my knees to my rib cage - is more cohesive and dynamic, no waist included. It's been a very slow but real transformation and helps me feel more vitality in life as I edge towards 60. Good luck.
You nailed the problem with taking on sitting. I wish more people would just be open to the possibility that what's wrong isn't mysterious or complex (it becomes that way for sure) it's the fact that the penis isn't the muscle that does the work. You probably know better than I but... 24 bigger ones and 24 or more small muscles in the abdomen groin legs glutes lumbars and your diaphragm each cubic centimeter more of air you can pull in before exhaling is that much more energy for you to use. You describe exactly what the feeling is like... and your spine isn't carrying the load of your body alone... muscle is and the ribs are distributing away from the spine not hanging into it and dragging weight below the vertebrae. The overall effect on the erections is to frame support and make the feeling of size the thing. We feel imposing when we feel good and connected and balanced. Feeling that translates to being seen as that. And without this confidence and strength size is kinda immaterial.
This is the right answer. Your body is great as it is. You dont need to lose abdominal fat or shave anything if you dont want to. I promise no one is thinking about your penis size as much as you are.All penises are great! Variety is great!
Yeah I had to lose it (gut). My BP went hypertensive I became diabetic and cardiovascular disease set in. I loved being 280lbs. But those things happened in a year lol. My doctor was very blunt. You're fat and you look great and some guys can be fat and healthy but you're going to be dead and fat so honey I know you had your heart set on poppa bear on but its time to otter it up again.
He's the only person I have ever let speak of me this way and live lol.
But the point is... get checked out if you go up 30 or more or down. Not because one's good or the other is not but because sometimes you're just sick like I was with serious health problems in 2 to 3 years and feeling fine... and irony is that I had to drop weight to have desserts again. It was a good motivator lol...
Hello,I have a question regarding penis size: is there a trick to make it look bigger while hanging out in the nude? Im kinda new to nudism and noticed that some guys have much bigger penises and of course that makes me self-conscious. I am wondering if using a cock ring would work or if you have any suggestions. Thanks.
I would hope that after 10 years on this site, you see that many on here don't really care about size especially of our penis. Yes there are a few ways you can make it 'look' bigger and they even sale sell things that will 'help' with the size of it, just do a google search. But in all, it will be what it is and size is just that. Just like other parts of our bodies, excluding muscles, they are what they are. Been comfortable with yourself and don't think that your penis size is going to make you better because of size.
FIrst of all, you are the only one on TRUE NUDISTS who give a damn about the size of another guys penis. As a retired physician I can understand that many men would love large penises or larger penises, but to tell the trust it really doesn't matter unless you have what is called a micropenis. You do not appear to have a micro penis from what you said, you just would like a little longer and larger penis so you would feel better about being around other guys with larger penises. Again, I have found that when men are together nude in groups no one and I MEAN NO ONE worries about or thinks about anyone elses penis but their own! Hence you fall into that group. You are the one worried about it, no one else gives a RATS DAMN about the size of your penis, only that you are completely nude and joining the fun! GET IT! GET OVER IT! You are going to live with that size penis, hopefully you can make it big enough to fuck, or suck, or put it inside a vagina or ass or mouth and you can cum. DO YOU MEET THOSE FEW CRITERIA!!! I am certain you do.
Now enjoy that wonderful accoutrament of manhood as much and as often as you want. Jackoff and squirt regularly, rub your balls and the head of your penis to make it erect, etc PLAY WITH THAT DAMN THING THAT ALL MEN LOVE AND PLAY WITH. You are not alone!
Hickguy M.D. and guess what I will not charge you for this consultation!