Men Who Are "Smaller Then Average"

Men Who Are "Smaller then Average"

newly joined, anxious to share

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Hello all ! 66m div, bisex since divorce, 6'1" 240lbs, 5" dick uncut.
Located 80 miles east of Dallas. Great to know there's an active group addressing "lesser endowed" males and support for what oughtta be normalized. I've embraced (sometimes literally) my reality and engage in self-gratification routinely. I'm grateful for the opportunity to hang out with ya'll. I'll be dropping in often. Thnx !

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RE:newly joined, anxious to share

Glad you found the group I am around 3" myself and happy with it

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RE:newly joined, anxious to share


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RE:newly joined, anxious to share

i generally hang out in my whereby dot com room:

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