Men Who Are "Smaller Then Average"
Men Who Are "Smaller then Average"
Small penis groups and sites
Return to DiscussionsAs the owner of a micro penis I love to find groups and sites that are open to showing and discussing small and tiny dicks. As it is usually by stumbling on them, it would be great to share what I have found and what others my find. Often, there are a few small enthusiasts at a nude site but it still helps. - a nice site for all things small, no images just discussion groups
Skype: Tiny Members - very small group that is a little quiet but posts chat and some pics
Skype: "Cum Hangout -Small Guys Fun" - about 240 guys posting their little dick and chat
Skype: small is beautiful - about 80 guys posting
Not exclusively small but has small guys
I life model and had an artist comment on how small I am and drawing a guy with a small penis is more natural than having a hung guy,
He also mentioned that the ancient Greek and Italian sculptures were all men with small penis,
Yes, classical paintings of nude males tend to show smaller penises. I have a micro penis and have posed nude a few times for an artist but he was the son of a friend, happy to be seen nude at beach, at a local nudist hotel and socially - I am completely relaxed and happy in those surroundings and to be photographed in the company of others, even when guys have very large members, flaccid or erect