Men Women Commando

this group is meant for those who love to go commando or dont wear undies ..lot of us have challenge being public nudists due to related social and state regulations.. but no one can stop us going commando..let the other community be intrigued by our free underneath looks...if you love to wear tights without even better..anyone who has shun undies..lets grow this group..LET THE SKIN BREATHE..

choosing husbands underwear

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I dont wear underwear, havent for years. My husband does wear it however.
Since the start of the year it has become a game for me to select what underwear he is going to wear that day, briefs, boxers, jock. There have been days when I have "accidentally" forgotten to pick him some and those days hes gone commando.

Cant get him to do it full time sadly though he knows I get turned on by commando guys.

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  • 2 years ago
RE:choosing husbands underwear

I dont wear underwear, havent for years. My husband does wear it however.Since the start of the year it has become a game for me to select what underwear he is going to wear that day, briefs, boxers, jock. There have been days when I have "accidentally" forgotten to pick him some and those days hes gone commando.Cant get him to do it full time sadly though he knows I get turned on by commando guys.

It is a shame that your husband doesnt participate, especially as he knows how much you love it

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  • a year ago
RE:choosing husbands underwear

Not exactly choosing, but when I was intentionally not wearing underwear more often, my wife noticed that I had gotten rid of some of the older ones and some of the others were wearing out. She bought me 6 more pairs, took them out of the package and put them in my drawer. Shortly before that I had bought 2 tangas and a thong to see if wearing underwear that covered less would be more comfortable than regular underwear It wasn't. I told her what I was doing and got rid of all the thong and one tanga, and at least half of the older regular underwear, This left me with 10, about what I usually had. Since I was not wearing it often, I quickly reduced it to 6 and then 3. I paused there for a while, went to 1 paused again at tossed the last pair to encouraged 2 young men on another board to do the same. One did and one didn't

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  • a year ago