Mens Travel Lodging Exchange Group
This is a non-sexual group for nudist men of all orientations (gay, straight, bisexual, questioning, etc.) to exchange lodging/accommodations with other fellow nudist men while traveling. Feel free to post whether you're traveling and need a place to sleep for a few nights, or if you have a spare room or couch where you can host a fellow nudist man while he's visiting your area. One of...
- created by 1MarckUSA
Clothing optional, northern NSW, Australia
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About Mens Travel Lodging Exchange Group
This is a non-sexual group for nudist men of all orientations (gay, straight, bisexual, questioning, etc.) to exchange lodging/accommodations with other fellow nudist men while traveling. Feel free to post whether you're traveling and need a place to sleep for a few nights, or if you have a spare room or couch where you can host a fellow nudist man while he's visiting your area. One of the requirements to join this group of nudist men is that you will ALSO be willing to host a nudist brother whenever possible. Please, do NOT ask to join this group if your only aim is to ask for free accommodations but you're not willing to offer the same. Don't be a moocher. Instead, give back to your fellow nudist brothers. The only exception to the hosting clause is for those young nudists that still live at home with their parents and who cannot, obviously, bring home guests.Please, keep all postings G-rated and friendly. Overtly sexual posts will be deleted.Since we're still dealing with a raging pandemic, and other diseases such as monkeypox, guests and hosts shall be honest with each other about their vaccination status and expectations of each other. By requesting to join this group, you're acknowledging your willingness to abide by these rules.Lastly, please be courteous, kind, fun, and a good human being. Life's a lot better when you spread some happiness and kindness around.Have fun!
Mens Travel Lodging Exchange Group Rules
1.- This group is for MEN ONLY. 2.- You must be 18 or older and comfortable with male nudity. 3.- As stated in the group's description, this is a non-sexual group. Obviously, once you meet up with a fellow guest or host, what you guys do in the privacy of your home is completely up to you guys. After all, we're all adults here. But the main purpose of this group is not a cover for soliciting or advertising sexual services. There are tons of other sites for that. 4.- No harassment, bullying, or discrimination of any type will be tolerated in this group. Those members who engage in this type of behavior will be banned. 5.- In order to build up a community of nudist men who can help each other out during our travels, please do not ask ONLY to be hosted by others. Instead, please make the effort, if at all possible, to ALSO host your fellow nudist brothers while they're traveling in your area. In other words, be a GIVER, not only a TAKER. 6.- The only exception to the hosting clause is for those young nudists that still live at home with their parents and who cannot, obviously, bring home guests.7.- Consequently, in your first post to this group (even if you're only traveling and looking for a host at this time), please state when/what time of the year you might be able to host a nudist brother in the future. Again, if you're only posting asking for a host but are not willing to host anyone yourself, you will be removed from the group, unless you fall under clause # 6 above. Please, read this carefully when asking to join in.8.- In order to keep postings in a way that is clear to understand for everyone, kindly follow the following format (example):--- HOSTING: Miami: December 1-8, 2023--- LOOKING: Miami: December 1-8, 2022--- HOSTING: Berlin, Germany: April 15-20, 2023--- LOOKING: Berlin, Germany: April 15-20, 20239.- If you're LOOKING for a host, please state clearly what type of accommodations you're looking for, the city, dates, and any other information that will be useful for potential hosts to reach out and assist you.10.- If you're HOSTING, please state clearly what type of accommodations you're offering (a bed, a couch, etc.), the city, dates, and any other information that will be useful for potential guests.11.- If you speak another language, have pets (dogs/cats/birds, etc.), are a smoker, or anything else that will impact your guest/host, please mention it in your post.12.- Lastly, be respectful and fun. Life is better when we all help each other out and are kind towards others. Have fun!
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